Andrea Charão
Cited by
Cited by
VXDL: Virtual resources and interconnection networks description language
GP Koslovski, PVB Primet, AS Charao
Networks for Grid Applications: Second International Conference, GridNets …, 2009
PhenoGlad: A model for simulating development in Gladiolus
LO Uhlmann, NA Streck, CC Becker, NT Schwab, RP Benedetti, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 82, 33-49, 2017
Performance improvement of data mining in Weka through GPU acceleration
TA Engel, AS Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, LA Steffenel
Procedia Computer Science 32, 93-100, 2014
Test case generation from BPMN models for automated testing of Web-based BPM applications
JL de Moura, AS Charao, JCD Lima, B de Oliveira Stein
2017 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Its …, 2017
Metadados para um sistema de gestão eletrônica de documentos arquivísticos
G Lucca, AS Charão, BO STEIN
Arquivística. net, Rio de Janeiro 2 (1), 70-84, 2006
Improving the performance of Apache Hadoop on pervasive environments through context-aware scheduling
G W. Cassales, A Schwertner Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 7, 333-345, 2016
Per-mare: Adaptive deployment of mapreduce over pervasive grids
LA Steffenel, O Flauzac, AS Charão, PP Barcelos, B Stein, ...
2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2013
Performance improvement of data mining in Weka through multi-core and GPU acceleration: opportunities and pitfalls
TA Engel, AS Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, LA Steffenel
Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing 6, 377-390, 2015
Context-aware scheduling for apache hadoop over pervasive environments
GW Cassales, AS Charão, MK Pinheiro, C Souveyet, LA Steffenel
Procedia Computer Science 52, 202-209, 2015
Mapreduce challenges on pervasive grids
LA Steffenel, O Flauzac, AS Charão, PP Barcelos, B Stein, GW Cassales, ...
Journal of Computer Science 10 (11), 2194-2210, 2014
Impact of pay-as-you-go Cloud Platforms on Software Pricing and Development: A Review and Case Study
FP Barbosa, AS Charão
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2012: 12th International …, 2012
Multiprogrammation parallèle générique des méthodes de décomposition de domaine
AS Charão
Grenoble INPG, 2001
Explorando resultados por questao no enade em ciência da computaçao para subsidiar revisao de projeto pedagógico de curso
AS Charão, K Wiechork, MLS Rodrigues, FP Barbosa
Anais do XXVIII Workshop sobre Educaçao em Computaçao, 16-20, 2020
Energy-aware scheduling of parallel programs
A Carissimi, C Geyer, N Maillard, POA Navaux, GGH Cavalheiro, M Pilla, ...
CLCAR 2010, 2010, Brasil., 2010
FlexVAPs: a system for managing virtual appliances in heterogeneous virtualized environments
D Kreutz, A Charao
2009 Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-12, 2009
Mundo virtual Minecraft: uma experiência no ensino de circuitos digitais
H Cagnini, A Charão, P Barcelos, B de Azevedo
Anais do XXIII Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, 206-215, 2015
SimulArroz: Um aplicativo para estimar a produtividade de arroz no Rio Grande do Sul
NA Streck, AS Charão, LC Walter, HT Rosa, RP Benedetti, E Marchesan, ...
Congresso Brasileiro de Arroz Irrigado 8, 1618-1627, 2013
Formação profissional da enfermagem para aprimoramento de competências: revisão integrativa
A de Lima Izaguirres, CB da Silva, AAA Lima, AA Paz
Revista Recien-Revista Científica de Enfermagem 12 (38), 183-193, 2022
Um estudo sobre protocolos de comunicação para ambientes de internet das coisas
G Rotta, A Charão, M Dantas
Anais da XVII Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 2017
Bringing context to apache hadoop
G Cassales, A Charao, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet, L Steffenel
8th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, 2014
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Articles 1–20