Nuno Henrique Franco
Nuno Henrique Franco
Outros nomesNuno Franco, Franco, Nuno Henrique, Franco, Nuno H.
i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
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Animal Experiments in Biomedical Research: A Historical Perspective
NH Franco
Animals 3 (1), 238-273, 2013
Scientists and the 3Rs: attitudes to animal use in biomedical research and the effect of mandatory training in laboratory animal science
NH Franco, IAS Olsson
Laboratory animals 48 (1), 50-60, 2014
Classification and reporting of severity experienced by animals used in scientific procedures: FELASA/ECLAM/ESLAV Working Group report
D Smith, D Anderson, AD Degryse, C Bol, A Criado, A Ferrara, NH Franco, ...
Laboratory animals 52 (1_suppl), 5-57, 2018
Researchers’ attitudes to the 3Rs—An upturned hierarchy?
NH Franco, P Sandøe, IAS Olsson
PLoS One 13 (8), e0200895, 2018
How “Humane” is your endpoint?—refining the science-driven approach for termination of animal studies of chronic infection
NH Franco, M Correia-Neves, IAS Olsson
PLoS Pathogens 8 (1), e1002399, 2012
The 3Rs Principle–Mind the Ethical Gap!
IAS Olsson, NH Franco, DM Weary, P Sandøe
Children’s attitudes towards animals: evidence from the RODENTIA project
MJ Fonseca, NH Franco, F Brosseron, F Tavares, IAS Olsson, ...
Journal of Biological Education 45 (3), 121-128, 2011
Eye, body or tail? Thermography as a measure of stress in mice
K Gjendal, NH Franco, JL Ottesen, DB Sørensen, IAS Olsson
Physiology & behavior 196, 135-143, 2018
The rise of three Rs centres and platforms in Europe
W Neuhaus, B Reininger-Gutmann, B Rinner, R Plasenzotti, ...
ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 50 (2), 90-120, 2022
Animal welfare in studies on murine tuberculosis: assessing progress over a 12-year period and the need for further improvement
NH Franco, M Correia-Neves, IAS Olsson
PloS one 7 (10), e47723, 2012
ThermoLabAnimal–A high-throughput analysis software for non-invasive thermal assessment of laboratory mice
NH Franco, A Gerós, L Oliveira, IAS Olsson, P Aguiar
Physiology & behavior 207, 113-121, 2019
Killing animals as a necessary evil? The case of animal research
NH Franco, IAS Olsson
The end of animal life: a start for ethical debate. Ethical and societal …, 2016
Harms to Animals – Can We Agree on How Best to Limit Them?
P Sandøe, NH Franco, TB Lund, DM Weary, IAS Olsson
ALTEX Proceedings 4 (1), 28-36, 2015
Welfare and quantity of life.
NH Franco, M Magalhães-Sant'Ana, IAS Olsson
Dilemmas in animal welfare, 46-66, 2014
The current status and work of Three Rs centres and platforms in Europe
W Neuhaus, B Reininger-Gutmann, B Rinner, R Plasenzotti, ...
ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 50 (6), 381-413, 2022
A critical look at biomedical journals' policies on animal research by use of a novel tool: The EXEMPLAR scale
AR Martins, NH Franco
Animals 5 (2), 315-331, 2015
Non-Invasive assessment of mild stress-induced hyperthermia by infrared thermography in laboratory mice
U Blenkuš, AF Gerós, C Carpinteiro, PC Aguiar, IAS Olsson, NH Franco
Animals 12 (2), 177, 2022
“How Sick Must Your Mouse Be?”—An Analysis of the Use of Animal Models in Huntington's Disease Research
NH Franco, IAS Olsson
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 40 (5), 271-283, 2012
Bibliometric trend analysis of non-conventional (alternative) therapies in veterinary research
K Domingues, NH Franco, I Rodrigues, G Stilwell, M Magalhães-Sant’Ana
Veterinary Quarterly 42 (1), 192-198, 2022
Is the ethical appraisal of protocols enough to ensure best practice in animal research?
NH Franco, IAS Olsson
ATLA - Alternatives to laboratory animals 41 (1), P5-7, 2013
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Artigos 1–20