Running bag-of-tasks applications on computational grids: The mygrid approach W Cirne, D Paranhos, L Costa, E Santos-Neto, F Brasileiro, J Sauve, ... 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003 | 197 | 2003 |
Exploiting replication and data reuse to efficiently schedule data-intensive applications on grids E Santos-Neto, W Cirne, F Brasileiro, A Lima Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 10th International …, 2005 | 157 | 2005 |
A yoke of oxen and a thousand chickens for heavy lifting graph processing A Gharaibeh, L Beltrão Costa, E Santos-Neto, M Ripeanu Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2012 | 148 | 2012 |
StoreGPU: exploiting graphics processing units to accelerate distributed storage systems S Al-Kiswany, A Gharaibeh, E Santos-Neto, G Yuan, M Ripeanu Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on High performance …, 2008 | 135 | 2008 |
Grid computing for bag of tasks applications W Cirne Proc. 3rd IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government, 2003, 2003 | 124 | 2003 |
Crowdsourcing for on-street smart parking X Chen, E Santos-Neto, M Ripeanu Proceedings of the second ACM international symposium on Design and analysis …, 2012 | 113 | 2012 |
Resource demand and supply in BitTorrent content-sharing communities N Andrade, E Santos-Neto, F Brasileiro, M Ripeanu Computer Networks 53 (4), 515-527, 2009 | 80 | 2009 |
On graphs, gpus, and blind dating: A workload to processor matchmaking quest A Gharaibeh, LBB Costa, E Santos-Neto, M Ripeanu 2013 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2013 | 78 | 2013 |
Efficient large-scale graph processing on hybrid CPU and GPU systems A Gharaibeh, T Reza, E Santos-Neto, LB Costa, S Sallinen, M Ripeanu arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.3018, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Individual and social behavior in tagging systems E Santos-Neto, D Condon, N Andrade, A Iamnitchi, M Ripeanu Proceedings of the 20th ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 183-192, 2009 | 66 | 2009 |
The small world of file sharing A Iamnitchi, M Ripeanu, E Santos-Neto, I Foster IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems 22 (7), 1120-1134, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Scheduling in bag-of-task grids: The PAUÁ case W Cirne, F Brasileiro, L Costa, D Paranhos, E Santos-Neto, N Andrade, ... 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 124-131, 2004 | 44 | 2004 |
Scoop: decentralized and opportunistic multicasting of information streams D Gunawardena, T Karagiannis, A Proutiere, E Santos-Neto, M Vojnovic Proceedings of the 17th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Thwarting fake OSN accounts by predicting their victims Y Boshmaf, M Ripeanu, K Beznosov, E Santos-Neto Proceedings of the 8th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security …, 2015 | 35 | 2015 |
Tracking user attention in collaborative tagging communities E Santos-Neto, M Ripeanu, A Iamnitchi arXiv preprint arXiv:0705.1013, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Grids computacionais: Da computaçao de alto desempenho a serviços sob demanda W Cirne, N Santos SBRC, Brasil, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Francisco BRASILEIRO, Jacques SAUVE, Fabricio AB SILVA, Carla O. BARROS and Cirano SILVEIRA.«Running Bag-of-Tasks Applications on Computational Grids: The MyGrid Approach» W Cirne, D Paranhos, L Costa, E Santos-Neto International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP’03), 407-416, 2003 | 24 | 2003 |
The energy case for graph processing on hybrid CPU and GPU systems A Gharaibeh, E Santos-Neto, LB Costa, M Ripeanu Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and …, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Crowd-based smart parking: A case study for mobile crowdsourcing X Chen, E Santos-Neto, M Ripeanu Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications: 5th …, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Tracking usage in collaborative tagging communities E Santos-Neto, M Ripeanu, A Iamnitchi Proceedings of Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata, 2007 | 17 | 2007 |