Giambattista Amati
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Probabilistic models of information retrieval based on measuring the divergence from randomness
G Amati, CJ Van Rijsbergen
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 20 (4), 357-389, 2002
Terrier information retrieval platform
I Ounis, G Amati, V Plachouras, B He, C Macdonald, D Johnson
Advances in Information Retrieval, 517-519, 2005
Terrier: A high performance and scalable information retrieval platform
I Ounis, G Amati, V Plachouras, B He, C Macdonald, C Lioma
Proceedings of the OSIR Workshop, 18-25, 2006
Query difficulty, robustness, and selective application of query expansion
G Amati, C Carpineto, G Romano
Advances in Information Retrieval: 26th European Conference on IR Research …, 2004
FUB, IASI-CNR and University of” Tor Vergata” at TREC 2008 Blog Track
G Amati, G Amodeo, M Bianchi, C Gaibisso, G Gambosi
US, 2008
CNIPA, FUB and University of Rome" Tor Vergata" at TREC 2008 Legal Track
G Amati, M Bianchi, M Draoli, A Celi, G Gambosi, G Stilo
NIST Special Publication 500-277: The Seventeenth Text REtrieval Conference …, 2008
Frequentist and bayesian approach to information retrieval
G Amati
European conference on information retrieval, 13-24, 2006
Modal operators with probabilistic interpretations, I
M Fattorosi-Barnaba, G Amati
Studia Logica 46 (4), 383-393, 1987
Probabilistic learning for selective dissemination of information1
G Amati, F Crestani
Information processing & management 35 (5), 633-654, 1999
G Amati
Encyclopedia of database systems, 257-260, 2009
FUB at TREC-10 Web Track: A probabilistic framework for topic relevance term weighting
G Amati, C Carpineto, G Romano, FU Bordoni
The Tenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2001), 2001
Conceptual graphs and first order logic
G Amati, I Ounis
The Computer Journal 43 (1), 1, 2000
Fub, iasi-cnr, univaq at trec 2011 microblog track
G Amati, G Amodeo, M Bianchi, A Celi, C De Nicola, M Flammini, ...
Automatic construction of an opinion-term vocabulary for ad hoc retrieval
G Amati, E Ambrosi, M Bianchi, C Gaibisso, G Gambosi
Advances in Information Retrieval: 30th European Conference on IR Research …, 2008
Divergence from randomness
G Amati
Ph. D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Glasgow, 2003
A uniform tableau method for intuitionistic modal logics I
G Amati, F Pirri
Studia Logica 53, 29-60, 1994
A proof theoretical approach to default reasoning I: tableaux for default logic
G Amati, LC Aiello, D Gabbay, F Pirri
Journal of Logic and Computation 6 (2), 205, 1996
Term frequency normalization via Pareto distributions
G Amati, C van Rijsbergen
Advances in Information Retrieval, 183-192, 2002
A framework for filtering news and managing distributed data
G Amati, DD Aloisi, V Giannini, F Ubaldini
Journal of Universal Computer Science 3 (8), 1007-1021, 1997
Comparing weighting models for monolingual information retrieval
G Amati, C Carpineto, G Romano
Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems, 61-77, 2004
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