Olavo Holanda
Olavo Holanda
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Cited by
Steps, techniques, and technologies for the development of intelligent applications based on Semantic Web Services: A case study in e-learning systems
H Barros, A Silva, E Costa, II Bittencourt, O Holanda, L Sales
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 24 (8), 1355-1367, 2011
A framework for building web mining applications in the world of blogs: A case study in product sentiment analysis
E Costa, R Ferreira, P Brito, II Bittencourt, O Holanda, A Machado, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5), 4813-4834, 2012
JOINT: Java ontology integrated toolkit
O Holanda, S Isotani, II Bittencourt, E Elias, T Tenório
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (16), 6469-6477, 2013
Educational resources recommendation system based on agents and semantic web for helping students in a virtual learning environment
O Holanda, R Ferreira, E Costa, II Bittencourt, J Melo, M Peixoto, ...
International Journal of Web Based Communities 8 (3), 333-353, 2012
An agent-based semantic web blog crawler
R Ferreira, O Holanda, J Melo, II Bittencourt, F Freitas, E Costa
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology …, 2011
Semantic web-based software product line for building intelligent tutoring systems
AP Silva, EB Costa, II Bittencourt, PHS Brito, O Holanda, D Demerval
Demetra EOOD, 2010
A systematic approach for designing educational recommender systems
PHS Brito, II Bittencourt, AP Machado, E Costa, O Holanda, R Ferreira, ...
Software Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2014
Ontology-based software product line for building semantic web applications
AP Silva, E Costa, II Bittencourt, PHS Brito, O Holanda, J Melo
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Knowledge-Oriented Product Line …, 2010
An object triple mapping system supporting detached objects: A performance and memory usage empirical comparison
O Holanda, S Isotani, II Bittencourt, D Dermeval, W Alcantara
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 62, 234-251, 2017
Towards an agent-based approach for automatic generation of researcher profiles using multiple data sources
O Holanda, E Elias, E Costa, B Fonseca, II Bittencourt
2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI …, 2013
An ontology-based model for driving the building of software product lines in an its context
AP da Silva, II Bittencourt, W Ataíde, O Holanda, E Costa, T Tenório, ...
Third international conference on software, services and semantic …, 2011
A Tool for Efficient Development of Ontology-based Applications
O Holanda, II Bittencourt, S Isotani, E Elias, J Bandeira
ONTOBRAS/MOST 2012, 2012
A framework for developing context-based blog crawlers
R Ferreira, RJ Lima, II Bittencourt, D Melo Filho, O Holanda, E Costa, ...
Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on WWW/Internet, 120-126, 2010
A semi-automatic system to evaluate the performance and scalability of ontology persistent APIs
E Elias, J Santos, II Bittencourt, S Isotani, O Holanda, PHS Brito
Science of Computer Programming 136, 43-59, 2017
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Articles 1–14