Judd R. Thornton
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Political sophistication and the dimensionality of elite and mass attitudes, 1980− 2004
RN Lupton, WM Myers, JR Thornton
The Journal of Politics 77 (2), 368-380, 2015
Elections activate partisanship across countries
SP Singh, JR Thornton
American Political Science Review 113 (1), 248-253, 2019
Compulsory voting and the dynamics of partisan identification
S Singh, J Thornton
European Journal of Political Research 52 (2), 188-211, 2013
The impact of elite polarization on partisan ambivalence and indifference
JR Thornton
Political Behavior 35, 409-428, 2013
The moderating impact of social networks on the relationships among core values, partisanship, and candidate evaluations
RN Lupton, SP Singh, JR Thornton
Political Psychology 36 (4), 399-414, 2015
Overlapping confidence intervals and null hypothesis testing
T Bolsen, J Thornton
The Experimental Political Scientist, 2014
Ambivalent or indifferent? Examining the validity of an objective measure of partisan ambivalence
JR Thornton
Political Psychology 32 (5), 863-884, 2011
Disagreement, diversity, and participation: Examining the properties of several measures of political discussion network characteristics
R Lupton, J Thornton
Political Behavior 39, 585-608, 2017
Strange bedfellows: Coalition makeup and perceptions of democratic performance among electoral winners
SP Singh, JR Thornton
Electoral Studies 42, 114-125, 2016
Bully pulpit? Twitter users’ engagement with President Trump’s tweets
J Lazarus, JR Thornton
Social science computer review 39 (5), 961-980, 2021
Party animals: Asymmetric ideological constraint among democratic and republican party activists
RN Lupton, WM Myers, JR Thornton
Political Research Quarterly 70 (4), 889-904, 2017
Candidate and party affective polarization in US presidential elections: The person-negativity bias?
T Bolsen, JR Thornton
Electoral Studies 71, 102293, 2021
Values voters: The conditional effect of income on the relationship between core values and political attitudes and behavior
DJ Ciuk, RN Lupton, JR Thornton
Political Psychology 39 (4), 869-888, 2018
Getting lost on the way to the party: Ambivalence, indifference, and defection with evidence from two presidential elections
JR Thornton
Social Science Quarterly 95 (1), 184-201, 2014
The winner-loser satisfaction gap in the absence of a clear outcome
AA Halliez, JR Thornton
Party Politics 29 (2), 260-269, 2023
Racial resentment, electoral loss, and satisfaction with democracy among whites in the United States: 2004–2016
AM Enders, JR Thornton
Political Behavior 44 (1), 389-410, 2022
Examining trends in ideological identification: 1972–2016
AA Halliez, JR Thornton
American Politics Research 49 (3), 259-268, 2021
Polarization in Black and White: An Examination of Racial Differences in Polarization and Sorting Trends
AM Enders, JR Thornton
Public Opinion Quarterly 86 (2), 293-316, 2022
Vote intent and beliefs about democracy in the United States
K Dunn, JR Thornton
Party Politics 24 (4), 455-466, 2018
Does the Salience of Partisan Competition Increase Affective Polarization in the United States?
SP Singh, JR Thornton
Political Research Quarterly 77 (1), 45-58, 2024
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