Federica Bisio
Cited by
Cited by
AffectiveSpace 2: Enabling affective intuition for concept-level sentiment analysis
E Cambria, J Fu, F Bisio, S Poria
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 29 (1), 2015
Sentic LDA: Improving on LDA with semantic similarity for aspect-based sentiment analysis
S Poria, I Chaturvedi, E Cambria, F Bisio
2016 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 4465-4473, 2016
Sentiment data flow analysis by means of dynamic linguistic patterns
S Poria, E Cambria, A Gelbukh, F Bisio, A Hussain
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 10 (4), 26-36, 2015
An ELM-based model for affective analogical reasoning
E Cambria, P Gastaldo, F Bisio, R Zunino
Neurocomputing 149, 443-455, 2015
Statistical learning theory and ELM for big social data analysis
L Oneto, F Bisio, E Cambria, D Anguita
ieee CompUTATionAl inTelliGenCe mAGAzine 11 (3), 45-55, 2016
The CLSA model: A novel framework for concept-level sentiment analysis
E Cambria, S Poria, F Bisio, R Bajpai, I Chaturvedi
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 16th …, 2015
Role of muscle synergies in real-time classification of upper limb motions using extreme learning machines
CW Antuvan, F Bisio, F Marini, SC Yen, E Cambria, L Masia
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 13, 1-15, 2016
A machine learning approach for Twitter spammers detection
C Meda, F Bisio, P Gastaldo, R Zunino
2014 international carnahan conference on security technology (iccst), 1-6, 2014
Real-time behavioral DGA detection through machine learning
F Bisio, S Saeli, P Lombardo, D Bernardi, A Perotti, D Massa
2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), 1-6, 2017
Data intensive review mining for sentiment classification across heterogeneous domains
F Bisio, P Gastaldo, C Peretti, R Zunino, E Cambria
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2013
Semi-supervised learning for affective common-sense reasoning
L Oneto, F Bisio, E Cambria, D Anguita
Cognitive Computation 9, 18-42, 2017
Fast flux service network detection via data mining on passive DNS traffic
P Lombardo, S Saeli, F Bisio, D Bernardi, D Massa
Information Security: 21st International Conference, ISC 2018, Guildford, UK …, 2018
Learning with similarity functions: a novel design for the extreme learning machine
P Gastaldo, F Bisio, C Gianoglio, E Ragusa, R Zunino
Neurocomputing 261, 37-49, 2017
Sentiment-oriented information retrieval: Affective analysis of documents based on the senticnet framework
F Bisio, C Meda, P Gastaldo, R Zunino, E Cambria
Sentiment Analysis and Ontology Engineering: An Environment of Computational …, 2016
DNS covert channel detection via behavioral analysis: a machine learning approach
S Saeli, F Bisio, P Lombardo, D Massa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01582, 2020
Slt-based elm for big social data analysis
L Oneto, F Bisio, E Cambria, D Anguita
Cognitive Computation 9, 259-274, 2017
SIM-ELM: Connecting the ELM model with similarity-function learning
P Gastaldo, F Bisio, S Decherchi, R Zunino
Neural Networks 74, 22-34, 2016
A learning scheme based on similarity functions for affective common-sense reasoning
F Bisio, P Gastaldo, R Zunino, E Cambria
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-6, 2015
Real-time monitoring of Twitter traffic by using semantic networks
F Bisio, C Meda, R Zunino, R Surlinelli, E Scillia, A Ottaviano
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
Concept-level sentiment analysis with SenticNet
F Bisio, C Meda, P Gastaldo, R Zunino, E Cambria
A Practical Guide to Sentiment Analysis, 173-188, 2017
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Articles 1–20