Michele Sevegnani
Michele Sevegnani
Senior Lecturer, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
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Cited by
Bigraphs with sharing
M Sevegnani, M Calder
Theoretical Computer Science 577, 43-73, 2015
BigraphER: Rewriting and Analysis Engine for Bigraphs
M Sevegnani, M Calder
Computer Aided Verification, 28th International Conference, CAV 2016 …, 2016
On lions, impala, and bigraphs: modelling interactions in physical/virtual spaces
S Benford, T Rodden, M Calder, M Sevegnani
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 23 (2), 1-56, 2016
Real-time verification of wireless home networks using bigraphs with sharing
M Calder, A Koliousis, M Sevegnani, J Sventek
Science of Computer Programming 80, 288-310, 2014
Modelling IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA RTS/CTS with stochastic bigraphs with sharing
M Calder, M Sevegnani
Formal Aspects of Computing 26 (3), 537-561, 2014
Modelling and verification of large-scale sensor network infrastructures
M Sevegnani, M Kabác, M Calder, J McCann
2018 23rd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2018
Fine-grained RNN with transfer learning for energy consumption estimation on EVs
Y Hua, M Sevegnani, D Yi, A Birnie, S McAslan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (11), 8182-8190, 2022
A SAT based algorithm for the matching problem in bigraphs with sharing
M Sevegnani, C Unsworth, M Calder
University of Glasgow, Tech. Rep, 2010
Bigraphs with sharing and applications in wireless networks
M Sevegnani
University of Glasgow, 2012
Stochastic model checking for predicting component failures and service availability
M Calder, M Sevegnani
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 16 (1), 174-187, 2019
Conditional bigraphs
B Archibald, M Calder, M Sevegnani
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 3-19, 2020
Bigraphtalk: Verified design of IoT applications
B Archibald, MZ Shieh, YH Hu, M Sevegnani, YB Lin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (4), 2955-2967, 2020
Probabilistic bigraphs
B Archibald, M Calder, M Sevegnani
Formal Aspects of Computing 34 (2), 1-27, 2022
Towards a bigraphical encoding of actors
M Sevegnani, E Pereira
Process algebra for event-driven runtime verification: a case study of wireless network management
M Calder, M Sevegnani
International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, 21-23, 2012
Modelling and verifying BDI agents with bigraphs
B Archibald, M Calder, M Sevegnani, M Xu
Science of Computer Programming 215, 102760, 2022
Analysing spatial properties on neighbourhood spaces
S Linker, F Papacchini, M Sevegnani
45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science …, 2020
Probabilistic BDI agents: actions, plans, and intentions
B Archibald, M Calder, M Sevegnani, M Xu
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 19th International Conference, SEFM …, 2021
Practical Bigraphs via Subgraph Isomorphism
B Archibald, K Burns, C McCreesh, M Sevegnani
27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2021
CAN-VERIFY: A Verification Tool For BDI Agents
M Sevegnani
iFM 2023: 18th International Conference, iFM 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands …, 2023
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Articles 1–20