Pierre-Henri Fabre
Pierre-Henri Fabre
Associate Professor - ISEM, Montpellier University.
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An update of Wallace’s zoogeographic regions of the world
BG Holt, JP Lessard, MK Borregaard, SA Fritz, MB Araújo, D Dimitrov, ...
Science 339 (6115), 74-78, 2013
A glimpse on the pattern of rodent diversification: a phylogenetic approach
PH Fabre, L Hautier, D Dimitrov, EJP Douzery
BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 88, 2012
Connections between the Atlantic and the Amazonian forest avifaunas represent distinct historical events
H Batalha-Filho, J Fjeldså, PH Fabre, CY Miyaki
Journal of Ornithology 154, 41-50, 2013
Patterns of macroevolution among Primates inferred from a supermatrix of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
PH Fabre, A Rodrigues, EJP Douzery
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 53 (3), 808-825, 2009
Major global radiation of corvoid birds originated in the proto-Papuan archipelago
KA Jønsson, PH Fabre, RE Ricklefs, J Fjeldså
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (6), 2328-2333, 2011
Ecological and evolutionary determinants for the adaptive radiation of the Madagascan vangas
KA Jønsson, PH Fabre, SA Fritz, RS Etienne, RE Ricklefs, TB Jørgensen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (17), 6620-6625, 2012
Rodent systematics in an age of discovery: recent advances and prospects
G D’Elía, PH Fabre, EP Lessa
Journal of Mammalogy 100 (3), 852-871, 2019
Rodents of the Caribbean: origin and diversification of hutias unravelled by next-generation museomics
PH Fabre, J Vilstrup, M Raghavan, C Der Sarkissian, E Willerslev, ...
Biology Letters 10, 20140266, 2014
A supermatrix phylogeny of corvoid passerine birds (Aves: Corvides)
KA Jønsson, PH Fabre, JD Kennedy, BG Holt, MK Borregaard, C Rahbek, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2015
Mitogenomic phylogeny, diversification, and biogeography of South American spiny rats
PH Fabre, NS Upham, E Louise H, J Fabienne, Y Leite, A Loss, L Orlando, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 (613–633), doi: 10.1093/molbev/msw261, 2017
Diversification of South American spiny rats (Echimyidae): a multigene phylogenetic approach
PH Fabre, T Galewski, M Tilak, EJP Douzery
Zoologica Scripta 42, 117–134, 2013
A new genus of rodent from the Wallacea (Rodentia: Muridae: Murinae: Rattini) and its implication for biogeography and Indo-Pacific Rattini systematics
PH Fabre, M Pagès, GG Musser, YS Fitriana, J Fjeldså, A Jennings, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 169 (2), 408-447, 2013
Brains, tools, innovation and biogeography in crows and ravens
KA Jønsson, PH Fabre, M Irestedt
BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 1-12, 2012
Family Muridae (true mice and rats, gerbils and relatives)
C Denys, PJ Taylor, KP Aplin, CJ Burgin, PH Fabre, R Haslauer, ...
Handbook of the mammals of the world 7, 536-884, 2017
The spatio-temporal colonization and diversification across the Indo-Pacific by a ‘great speciator’ (Aves, Erythropitta erythrogaster)
M Irestedt, PH Fabre, H Batalha-Filho, KA Jønsson, CS Roselaar, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1759), 20130309, 2013
Resolving deep lineage divergences in core corvoid passerine birds supports a proto-Papuan island origin
M Aggerbeck, J Fjeldså, L Christidis, PH Fabre, KA Jønsson
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70, 272-285, 2014
Oceanic islands of Wallacea as a source for dispersal and diversification of murine rodents
KC Rowe, AS Achmadi, PH Fabre, JJ Schenk, SJ Steppan, JA Esselstyn
Journal of Biogeography 46, 2752–2768, 2019
Anthropoid versus strepsirhine status of the African Eocene primates Algeripithecus and Azibius: craniodental evidence
R Tabuce, L Marivaux, R Lebrun, M Adaci, M Bensalah, PH Fabre, E Fara, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1676), 4087-4094, 2009
Convergent evolution of an extreme dietary specialisation, the olfactory system of worm-eating rodents
Q Martinez, R Lebrun, AS Achmadi, JA Esselstyn, AR Evans, LR Heaney, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 17806, 2018
PhySIC: A Veto Supertree Method with Desirable Properties
V Ranwez, V Berry, A Criscuolo, PH Fabre, S Guillemot, C Scornavacca, ...
Systematic Biology 56 (5), 798-817, 2007
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Articles 1–20