Turgay Korkmaz
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Multi-constrained optimal path selection
T Korkmaz, M Krunz
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
An overview of constraint-based path selection algorithms for QoS routing
F Kuipers, P Van Mieghem, T Korkmaz, M Krunz
IEEE Communications Magazine 40 (12), 50-55, 2002
Source-oriented topology aggregation with multiple QoS parameters in hierarchical networks
T Korkmaz, M Krunz
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 10 (4), 295-325, 2000
Bandwidth-delay constrained path selection under inaccurate state information
T Korkmaz, M Krunz
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 11 (3), 384-398, 2003
Mobile ad-hoc networks security
R Akbani, T Korkmaz, GVS Raju
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering: Volume 4 …, 2012
A randomized algorithm for finding a path subject to multiple QoS requirements
T Korkmaz, M Krunz
Computer Networks 36 (2-3), 251-268, 2001
Performance evaluation of constraint-based path selection algorithms
F Kuipers, T Korkmaz, M Krunz, P Van Mieghem
IEEE network 18 (5), 16-23, 2004
An efficient algorithm for finding a path subject to two additive constraints
T Korkmaz, M Krunz, S Tragoudas
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28 (1), 318-327, 2000
An efficient algorithm for finding a path subject to two additive constraints
T Korkmaz, M Krunz, S Tragoudas
Computer Communications 25 (3), 225-238, 2002
Single packet IP traceback in AS-level partial deployment scenario
T Korkmaz, C Gong, K Sarac, SG Dykes
International Journal of Security and Networks 2 (1-2), 95-108, 2007
Routing multimedia traffic with QoS guarantees
T Korkmaz, MM Krunz
IEEE transactions on multimedia 5 (3), 429-443, 2003
Smooth path construction and adjustment for multiple mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks
A Wichmann, T Korkmaz
Computer Communications 72, 93-106, 2015
Minimizing the differential delay for virtually concatenated Ethernet over SONET systems
SS Ahuja, T Korkmaz, M Krunz
Proceedings. 13th International Conference on Computer Communications and …, 2004
Quality of service routing
P Van Mieghem, FA Kuipers, T Korkmaz, M Krunz, M Curado, E Monteiro, ...
Quality of Future Internet Services: COST Action 263 Final Report, 80-117, 2003
HEAP: A packet authentication scheme for mobile ad hoc networks
R Akbani, T Korkmaz, GVS Raju
Ad Hoc Networks 6 (7), 1134-1150, 2008
Verifying physical presence of neighbors against replay-based attacks in wireless ad hoc networks
T Korkmaz
International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing …, 2005
The integration of mobile (tele) robotics and wireless sensor networks: A survey
A Wichmann, BD Okkalioglu, T Korkmaz
Computer Communications 51, 21-35, 2014
Comparison of routing algorithms with static and dynamic link cost in software defined networking (SDN)
E Akin, T Korkmaz
IEEE Access 7, 148629-148644, 2019
Robot control strategies for task allocation with connectivity constraints in wireless sensor and robot networks
A Wichmann, T Korkmaz, AS Tosun
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (6), 1429-1441, 2017
A review of constraint-based routing algorithms
FA Kuipers, T Korkmaz, M Krunz, P Van Mieghem
IEEE Communications Magazine 40 (12), 50-55, 2002
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