Seth J. Hill
Seth J. Hill
Professor, Department of Political Science, UC San Diego
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Partisan bias in factual beliefs about politics
JG Bullock, AS Gerber, SJ Hill, GA Huber
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 10 (4), 519-578, 2015
Legislative malfeasance and political accountability
ECC Chang, MA Golden, SJ Hill
World Politics 62 (02), 177-220, 2010
Sources of bias in retrospective decision making: Experimental evidence on voters’ limitations in controlling incumbents
GA Huber, SJ Hill, GS Lenz
American Political Science Review 106 (4), 720-741, 2012
How quickly we forget: The duration of persuasion effects from mass communication
SJ Hill, J Lo, L Vavreck, J Zaller
Political Communication 30 (4), 521-547, 2013
The effect of stay-at-home orders on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in the United States
JH Fowler, SJ Hill, R Levin, N Obradovich
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06098, 2020
A Disconnect in Representation? Comparison of Trends in Congressional and Public Polarization
SJ Hill, C Tausanovitch
Journal of Politics 77 (4), 1058-1075, 2015
Learning together slowly: Bayesian learning about political facts
SJ Hill
The Journal of Politics 79 (4), 1403-1418, 2017
The voting experience and beliefs about ballot secrecy
CM Dowling, D Doherty, SJ Hill, AS Gerber, GA Huber
Plos one 14 (1), e0209765, 2019
Candidate faces and election outcomes: is the face–vote correlation caused by candidate selection
MD Atkinson, RD Enos, SJ Hill
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 4 (3), 229-249, 2009
The small effects of political advertising are small regardless of context, message, sender, or receiver: Evidence from 59 real-time randomized experiments
A Coppock, SJ Hill, L Vavreck
Science advances 6 (36), eabc4046, 2020
Representativeness and Motivations of the Contemporary Donorate: Results from Merged Survey and Administrative Records
SJ Hill, GA Huber
Political Behavior, 2016
The opt-in internet panel: Survey mode, sampling methodology and the implications for political research
SJ Hill, J Lo, L Vavreck, J Zaller
Unpublished manuscript at the University of California, Los Angeles, California, 2007
Do perceptions of ballot secrecy influence turnout? Results from a field experiment
AS Gerber, GA Huber, D Doherty, CM Dowling, SJ Hill
American Journal of Political Science 57 (3), 537-551, 2013
A Fowler, SJ Hill, JB Lewis, C Tausanovitch, L Vavreck, C Warshaw
American Political Science Review 117 (2), 643-660, 2023
Institution of nomination and the policy ideology of primary electorates
SJ Hill
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 10 (4), 461-487, 2015
Changing votes or changing voters? How candidates and election context swing voters and mobilize the base
SJ Hill
Electoral Studies 48, 131-148, 2017
America’s electorate is increasingly polarized along partisan lines about voting by mail during the COVID-19 crisis
M Lockhart, SJ Hill, J Merolla, M Romero, T Kousser
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (40), 24640-24642, 2020
On the Meaning of Survey Reports of Roll‐Call “Votes”
SJ Hill, GA Huber
American Journal of Political Science 63 (3), 611-625, 2019
Local demographic changes and US presidential voting, 2012 to 2016
SJ Hill, DJ Hopkins, GA Huber
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (50), 25023-25028, 2019
Southern realignment, party sorting, and the polarization of American primary electorates, 1958–2012
SJ Hill, C Tausanovitch
Public Choice 176 (1), 107-132, 2018
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