Miroslav Nemčok
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Cited by
As time goes by, the same sentiments apply? Stability of voter satisfaction with democracy during the electoral cycle in 31 countries
M Nemčok, H Wass
Party Politics 27 (5), 1017-1030, 2021
The 2020 parliamentary elections in Slovakia: Steadily turbulent change of direction
V Havlík, M Nemčok, P Spáč, J Zagrapan
CzechJournalofPoliticalScience27 3, 221-34, 2020
Generations and political engagement
M Nemcok, H Wass
Oxford research encyclopedia of politics, 2021
What kind of electoral outcome do people think is good for democracy?
A Blais, D Bol, S Bowler, DM Farrell, A Fredén, M Foucault, E Heisbourg, ...
Political studies 71 (4), 1068-1089, 2023
Referendum as a party tool: The case of Slovakia
M Nemčok, P Spáč
East European Politics and Societies 33 (3), 755-777, 2019
Po stopách politického zemětřesení: Parlamentní volby na Slovensku v roce 2016
M Rybář, P Spáč, P Voda, M Nemčok
Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury a Masarykova univerzita, 2017
Political parties, state resources and electoral clientelism
S Gherghina, M Nemčok
Political Parties and Electoral Clientelism, 1-9, 2023
World population growth over millennia: Ancient and present phases with a temporary halt in-between
R Taagepera, M Nemčok
The Anthropocene Review 11 (1), 163-183, 2024
Softening the corrective effect of populism: populist parties’ impact on political interest
M Nemčok, CM Bosancianu, O Leshchenko, A Kluknavská
West european politics 46 (4), 760-787, 2023
Distance and trust: an examination of the two opposing factors impacting adoption of postal voting among citizens living abroad
M Nemčok, J Peltoniemi
Political Behavior 45 (2), 419-443, 2023
The effect of parties on voters’ satisfaction with democracy
M Nemcok
Politics and Governance 8 (3), 59-70, 2020
The role of partisan cues on voters’ mobilization in a referendum
M Nemčok, P Spáč, P Voda
Democratic Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe, 11-28, 2020
Signed, sealed, and delivered with trust: Non-resident citizens’ experiences of newly adopted postal voting
H Wass, J Peltoniemi, M Weide, M Nemčok
Frontiers in Political Science 3, 692396, 2021
I don’t like it unless it’s for me: voters’ perceptions of pork-barrel politics in Central and Eastern Europe
M Tóth, M Nemčok, P Spáč
Problems of Post-Communism 69 (6), 473-485, 2022
The rise and sustainability of party leaders in Slovakia: Robert fico and Mikuláš Dzurinda
M Nemčok, P Spáč
Party Leaders in Eastern Europe: Personality, Behavior and Consequences, 241-264, 2020
Majoritarian and consensual democracies: the seat product connection
R Taagepera, M Nemčok
Party Politics 27 (3), 393-406, 2021
With pulling ties, electoral participation flies: Factors mobilising turnout among non-resident Finnish voters
J Peltoniemi, M Nemčok, H Wass
European Political Science 22 (1), 83-100, 2023
It’s more than just debating: The political participation and democratic attitudes of debate programme participants in seven “new” democracies
A Valkering, M Nemčok, G Matu, P Spáč
Sociální studia/Social Studies 15 (2), 35–54-35–54, 2018
The Politics of Public Spending: Actors, Motivations, and Public Responses
P Spáč, P Voda, M Tóth, M Nemčok, L Hrbková
Springer Nature, 2022
The role of ethnicity in the perception of pork barrel politics: Evidence from a survey experiment in Slovakia
M Nemčok, O Komar, N Batrićević, M Tóth, P Spáč
Politics 41 (2), 257-275, 2021
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Articles 1–20