pawel wargocki
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Cited by
The effects of outdoor air supply rate in an office on perceived air quality, sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and productivity
P Wargocki, DP Wyon, G Clausen, PO Fanger
How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?
L Morawska, JW Tang, W Bahnfleth, PM Bluyssen, A Boerstra, ...
Environment international 142, 105832, 2020
Literature survey on how different factors influence human comfort in indoor environments
M Frontczak, P Wargocki
Building and environment 46 (4), 922-937, 2011
Quantitative relationships between occupant satisfaction and satisfaction aspects of indoor environmental quality and building design
M Frontczak, S Schiavon, J Goins, E Arens, H Zhang, P Wargocki
Indoor air 22 (2), 119-131, 2012
Perceived air quality, sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and productivity in an office with two different pollution loads
P Wargocki, DP Wyon, YK Baik, G Clausen, PO Fanger
Indoor air 9 (3), 165-179, 1999
The effects of moderately raised classroom temperatures and classroom ventilation rate on the performance of schoolwork by children (RP-1257)
P Wargocki, DP Wyon
Hvac&R Research 13 (2), 193-220, 2007
Quantitative measurement of productivity loss due to thermal discomfort
L Lan, P Wargocki, Z Lian
Energy and Buildings 43 (5), 1057-1062, 2011
Effects of thermal discomfort in an office on perceived air quality, SBS symptoms, physiological responses, and human performance
L Lan, P Wargocki, DP Wyon, Z Lian
Indoor air 21 (5), 376-390, 2011
Dismantling myths on the airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)
JW Tang, WP Bahnfleth, PM Bluyssen, G Buonanno, JL Jimenez, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 110, 89-96, 2021
Effects of exposure to carbon dioxide and bioeffluents on perceived air quality, self‐assessed acute health symptoms, and cognitive performance
X Zhang, P Wargocki, Z Lian, C Thyregod
Indoor air 27 (1), 47-64, 2017
Providing better thermal and air quality conditions in school classrooms would be cost-effective
P Wargocki, DP Wyon
Building and Environment 59, 581-589, 2013
Can commonly-used fan-driven air cleaning technologies improve indoor air quality? A literature review
Y Zhang, J Mo, Y Li, J Sundell, P Wargocki, J Zhang, JC Little, R Corsi, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (26), 4329-4343, 2011
A paradigm shift to combat indoor respiratory infection
L Morawska, J Allen, W Bahnfleth, PM Bluyssen, A Boerstra, G Buonanno, ...
Science 372 (6543), 689-691, 2021
Ten questions concerning green buildings and indoor air quality
A Steinemann, P Wargocki, B Rismanchi
Building and environment 112, 351-358, 2017
Questionnaire survey on factors influencing comfort with indoor environmental quality in Danish housing
M Frontczak, RV Andersen, P Wargocki
Building and Environment 50, 56-64, 2012
Effects of pollution from personal computers on perceived air quality, SBS symptoms and productivity in offices
Z Bako-Biro, P Wargocki, CJ Weschler, PO Fanger
Indoor air 14 (3), 178-187, 2004
Ten questions concerning thermal and indoor air quality effects on the performance of office work and schoolwork
P Wargocki, DP Wyon
Building and Environment 112, 359-366, 2017
Ten questions concerning well-being in the built environment
S Altomonte, J Allen, PM Bluyssen, G Brager, L Heschong, A Loder, ...
Building and Environment 180, 106949, 2020
The effects of bedroom air quality on sleep and next‐day performance
P Strøm‐Tejsen, D Zukowska, P Wargocki, DP Wyon
Indoor air 26 (5), 679-686, 2016
Productivity is affected by the air quality in offices.
P Wargocki, DP Wyon, PO Fanger
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Articles 1–20