Vasanth Ram Rjarathinam
Vasanth Ram Rjarathinam
Director, Mind Voice Research Labs & Consultancy Services
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Cited by
Sapper: A language for hardware-level security policy enforcement
X Li, V Kashyap, JK Oberg, M Tiwari, VR Rajarathinam, R Kastner, ...
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Architectural support …, 2014
Design and implementation of an efficient two-level scheduler for cloud computing environment
R Jayarani, S Sadhasivam, N Nagaveni
2009 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in …, 2009
Design and implementation of adaptive power-aware virtual machine provisioner (APA-VMP) using swarm intelligence
R Jeyarani, N Nagaveni, RV Ram
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (5), 811-821, 2012
Inverse kinematics of mobile manipulator using bidirectional particle swarm optimization by manipulator decoupling
RV Ram, PM Pathak, SJ Junco
Mechanism and Machine Theory 131, 385-405, 2019
Self adaptive particle swarm optimization for efficient virtual machine provisioning in cloud
R Jeyarani, N Nagaveni, RV Ram
Organizational Efficiency through Intelligent Information Technologies, 88-107, 2013
Trajectory control of a mobile manipulator in the presence of base disturbance
RV Ram, PM Pathak, SJ Junco
Simulation 95 (6), 529-543, 2019
Power aware meta scheduler for adaptive VM provisioning in IaaS cloud
R Jeyarani, N Nagaveni, SK Sadasivam, VR Rajarathinam
Grid and Cloud Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications …, 2012
Implementation of efficient light weight internal scheduler for high throughput grid environment
R Jeyarani, RV Ram, N Nagaveni
Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Computing in Computer …, 2009
Power-aware meta scheduler with non-linear workload prediction for adaptive virtual machine provisioning
VR Rajarathinam, J Rajarathinam, H Gupta
Intelligent Computing Theory: 10th International Conference, ICIC 2014 …, 2014
Position paper: Sapper--a language for provable hardware policy enforcement
X Li, V Kashyap, JK Oberg, M Tiwari, VR Rajarathinam, R Kastner, ...
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Programming languages and …, 2013
Online shop for integrated software, hardware, and human services
R Ram, Y Peres
IBM Journal of Research and Development 58 (5/6), 17: 1-17: 10, 2014
Nagaveni," Design and Implementation of an Efficient Two-Level Scheduler for Cloud Computing Environment," Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing
RN Jeyarani, R Ram
10th IEEE/ACM International Conference, 4-10, 2010
Creating CDA R2 Laboratory Reports to Meet Public Health Surveillance Requirements
SR Renly, SE Knoop, JH Kaufman, R Ram
Proceedings of the 9th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, 8-11, 2008
Reconfiguration of the mobile manipulator under the failure of joint actuator
RV Ram, PM Pathak, SJ Junco
13th International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling, ICBGM 2018, Part of …, 2018
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Articles 1–14