Pedro Lourenço
Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous localization and mapping for aerial vehicles: a 3-D sensor-based GAS filter
P Lourenço, BJ Guerreiro, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
Autonomous Robots 40, 881-902, 2016
3-d inertial trajectory and map online estimation: Building on a GAS sensor-based SLAM filter
P Lourenço, BJ Guerreiro, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 4214-4219, 2013
A globally exponentially stable filter for bearing-only simultaneous localization and mapping with monocular vision
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 100, 61-77, 2018
Distributed Model Predictive Control Method for Spacecraft Formation Flying in a Leader–Follower Formation
P Pereira, BJ Guerreiro, P Lourenço
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 59 (3), 3213-3223, 2022
Sensor-based globally exponentially stable range-only simultaneous localization and mapping
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre, CLP Chen
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 68, 72-85, 2015
Uncertainty characterization of the orthogonal procrustes problem with arbitrary covariance matrices
P Lourenço, BJ Guerreiro, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
Pattern Recognition 61, 210-220, 2017
A received signal strength indication-based localization system
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre, P Chen
21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1242-1247, 2013
Preliminary results on globally asymptotically stable simultaneous localization and mapping in 3-D
P Lourenço, BJ Guerreiro, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
2013 American Control Conference, 3087-3092, 2013
Torwards Uncertainty Optimization in Active SLAM
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 54nd IEEE Conference on, 2015
Sensor-based Globally Asymptotically Stable Range-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre, CLP Chen
Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 52nd IEEE Conference on, 5692 - 5697, 2013
Model Predictive Control for On-Board-Optimized Attitude Guidance for Cometary Fly-By - Problem Statement, Solutions and V&V Process
P Lourenço, J Franco, T Milhano, J Branco
International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, 2021
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Sensor Networks: a GES sensor-based filter with moving object tracking
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 2359-2364, 2015
Fault Tolerant Control for a Cluster of Rocket Engines–Methods and outcomes for guidance and control recovery strategies in launchers
N Paulino, CR Arroyos, L Ferreira, M Pascucci, P Cachim, P Lourenço, ...
International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems, 2023
Strategies for uncertainty optimization through motion planning in GES sensor-based SLAM
P Lourenço, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 113, 38-55, 2019
New design techniques for globally convergent simultaneous localization and mapping: analysis and implementation
P Lourenço, B Guerreiro, P Batista, P Oliveira, C Silvestre
Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications to Land, Water and …, 2017
Cooperative Platooning and Servicing for Spacecraft Formation Flying using Model Predictive Control
P Pereira, BJN Guerreiro, P Lourenço
CEAS EuroGNC - Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2022
Computational Guidance & Navigation for Bearings-Only Rendezvous – methods and outcomes of GUIBEAR
P Serra, P Lourenço, J Branco, JFB Valero, M Mammarella, TV Peters, ...
International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems, 2021
Critical GNC Aspects for ADR missions
J Branco, P Colmenarejo, P Serra, P Lourenço, TV Peters, M Mammarella
International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems, 2021
A Globally Exponentially Stable filter for Bearing-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in 3-D
P Lourenço, PJR Oliveira, P Batista, CJF Silvestre
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 2817-2822, 2015
Convex MPC and Thrust Allocation With Deadband for Spacecraft Rendezvous
P Taborda, H Matias, D Silvestre, P Lourenço
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024
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Articles 1–20