Yahong Rosa Zheng
Yahong Rosa Zheng
Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Simulation models with correct statistical properties for Rayleigh fading channels
YR Zheng, C Xiao
IEEE Transactions on communications 51 (6), 920-928, 2003
Improved models for the generation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms
YR Zheng, C Xiao
IEEE Communications letters 6 (6), 256-258, 2002
An affine projection sign algorithm robust against impulsive interferences
T Shao, YR Zheng, J Benesty
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (4), 327-330, 2010
Novel sum-of-sinusoids simulation models for Rayleigh and Rician fading channels
C Xiao, YR Zheng, NC Beaulieu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (12), 3667-3679, 2006
Globally optimal linear precoders for finite alphabet signals over complex vector Gaussian channels
C Xiao, YR Zheng, Z Ding
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (7), 3301-3314, 2011
A discrete-time model for triply selective MIMO Rayleigh fading channels
C Xiao, J Wu, SY Leong, YR Zheng, KB Letaief
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (5), 1678-1688, 2004
Second-order statistical properties of the WSS Jakes' fading channel simulator
C Xiao, YR Zheng, NC Beaulieu
IEEE Transactions on communications 50 (6), 888-891, 2002
Robust MIMO underwater acoustic communications using turbo block decision-feedback equalization
J Tao, YR Zheng, C Xiao, TC Yang
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 35 (4), 948-960, 2010
Statistical simulation models for Rayleigh and Rician fading
C Xiao, YR Zheng, NC Beaulieu
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC'03. 5, 3524-3529, 2003
Iterative channel estimation and turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output underwater acoustic communications
Z Yang, YR Zheng
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 41 (1), 232-242, 2015
Brain-inspired wireless communications: Where reservoir computing meets MIMO-OFDM
SS Mosleh, L Liu, C Sahin, YR Zheng, Y Yi
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (10), 4694-4708, 2017
Robust near-field adaptive beamforming with distance discrimination
YR Zheng, RA Goubran, M El-Tanany
IEEE Transactions on speech and audio processing 12 (5), 478-488, 2004
Proportionate affine projection sign algorithms for network echo cancellation
Z Yang, YR Zheng, SL Grant
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 19 (8), 2273-2284, 2011
Energy efficiency and spectral efficiency tradeoff in type-I ARQ systems
J Wu, G Wang, YR Zheng
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (2), 356-366, 2013
Task assignment and path planning for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles using 3D dubins curves
W Cai, M Zhang, YR Zheng
Sensors 17 (7), 1607, 2017
Turbo equalization for single-carrier underwater acoustic communications
YR Zheng, J Wu, C Xiao
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (11), 79-87, 2015
Channel estimation for frequency-domain equalization of single-carrier broadband wireless communications
YR Zheng, C Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (2), 815-823, 2008
Frequency-domain channel estimation and equalization for shallow-water acoustic communications
YR Zheng, C Xiao, TC Yang, WB Yang
Physical Communication 3 (1), 48-63, 2010
Node localization with AoA assistance in multi-hop underwater sensor networks
H Huang, YR Zheng
Ad hoc networks 78, 32-41, 2018
Hybrid precoding for millimeter wave MIMO systems: A matrix factorization approach
J Jin, YR Zheng, W Chen, C Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (5), 3327-3339, 2018
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Articles 1–20