Inmaculada Remolar
Cited by
Cited by
Multimedia augmented reality game for learning math
C Rebollo, I Remolar, V Rossano, R Lanzilotti
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (11), 14851-14868, 2022
Geometric Simplification of Foliage
I Remolar, M Chover, Ó Belmonte, J Ribelles, C Rebollo
Eurographics 2 (1), 397-404, 2002
Multiresolution modeling of arbitrary polygonal surfaces: a characterization
J Ribelles, A López, Ó Belmonte, I Remolar, M Chover
Computers & Graphics 26 (3), 449-462, 2002
View-dependent multiresolution model for foliage
I Remolar, M Chover, J Ribelles, Ó Belmonte
Journal of WSCG. 2 (11), 370 - 378, 2003
Learning history using virtual and augmented reality
I Remolar, C Rebollo, JA Fernández-Moyano
Computers 10 (11), 146, 2021
View-dependent pruning for real-time rendering of trees
J Gumbau, M Chover, I Remolar, C Rebollo
Computers & Graphics 35 (2), 364-374, 2011
Privacy in indoor positioning systems: A systematic review
S Holcer, J Torres-Sospedra, M Gould, I Remolar
2020 international conference on localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS), 1-6, 2020
Real-time tree rendering
I Remolar, C Rebollo, M Chover, J Ribelles
International Conference on Computational Science, 173-180, 2004
Efficiently using connectivity information between triangles in a mesh for real-time rendering
Ó Belmonte, I Remolar, J Ribelles, M Chover, M Fernández
Future Generation Computer Systems 20 (8), 1263-1273, 2004
A game engine designed to simplify 2D video game development
M Chover, C Marín, C Rebollo, I Remolar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (17), 12307-12328, 2020
Developing a virtual trade fair using an agent-oriented approach
I Remolar, A Garcés, C Rebollo, M Chover, R Quirós, J Gumbau
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74 (4561-4582), 1-22, 2015
Multiresolution modelling of polygonal surface meshes using triangle fans
J Ribelles, A López, I Remolar, Ó Belmonte, M Chover
DGCI, 431-442, 2000
Metodología para seleccionar tecnologías Web 2.0 para la docencia
R Grangel, C Campos, C Rebollo, I Remolar, S Palomero
Jornadas de Enseñanza de la Informática (18es: 2012: Ciudad Real), 2012
An efficient continuous level of detail model for foliage
C Rebollo, I Remolar, M Chover, Ó Ripollés
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2006
Procedural modelling of terrains with constraints
C Gasch, M Chover, I Remolar, C Rebollo
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 31125-31146, 2020
Efficient Implementation of Multiresolution Triangle Strips
Ó Belmonte, I Remolar, J Ribelles, M Chover, M Fernández
Computational Science—ICCS 2002, 111-120, 2002
Immersive virtual-reality system for aircraft maintenance education: a case study
Á Gómez-Cambronero, I Miralles, A Tonda, I Remolar
Applied Sciences 13 (8), 5043, 2023
Searching Triangle Strips Guided by Simplification Criterion
Ó Belmonte, J Ribelles, I Remolar, M Chover
WSCG (Short Papers), 68-75, 2001
Learning first aid with a video game
C Rebollo, C Gasch, I Remolar, D Delgado
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11633, 2021
Procedural modeling of plant ecosystems maximizing vegetation cover
C Gasch, JM Sotoca, M Chover, I Remolar, C Rebollo
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (12), 16195-16217, 2022
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Articles 1–20