Hongke Zhang
Hongke Zhang
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Cited by
A survey of caching mechanisms in information-centric networking
M Zhang, H Luo, H Zhang
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (3), 1473-1499, 2015
Efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks with path-constrained mobile sinks
S Gao, H Zhang, SK Das
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 10 (4), 592-608, 2010
Optimizing federated learning in distributed industrial IoT: A multi-agent approach
W Zhang, D Yang, W Wu, H Peng, N Zhang, H Zhang, X Shen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (12), 3688-3703, 2021
CMT-QA: Quality-aware adaptive concurrent multipath data transfer in heterogeneous wireless networks
C Xu, T Liu, J Guan, H Zhang, GM Muntean
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 12 (11), 2193-2205, 2012
Resource allocation with interference avoidance in OFDMA femtocell networks
YS Liang, WH Chung, GK Ni, Y Chen, H Zhang, SY Kuo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 61 (5), 2243-2255, 2012
QoE-driven user-centric VoD services in urban multihomed P2P-based vehicular networks
C Xu, F Zhao, J Guan, H Zhang, GM Muntean
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (5), 2273-2289, 2012
Incentive mechanism for computation offloading using edge computing: A Stackelberg game approach
Y Liu, C Xu, Y Zhan, Z Liu, J Guan, H Zhang
Computer Networks 129, 399-409, 2017
张宏科, 苏伟
电子学报 35 (4), 594-598, 2007
A detection method for a novel DDoS attack against SDN controllers by vast new low-traffic flows
P Dong, X Du, H Zhang, T Xu
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2016
Smart Identifier Network: A Collaborative Architecture for the Future Internet
H Zhang, W Quan, HC Chao
IEEE Network Magazine 30 (3), 46-51, 2016
Smart collaborative tracking for ubiquitous power IoT in edge-cloud interplay domain
F Song, M Zhu, Y Zhou, I You, H Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (7), 6046-6055, 2019
A DHT-based identifier-to-locator mapping approach for a scalable Internet
H Luo, Y Qin, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 20 (12), 1790-1802, 2009
An elderly health care system using wireless sensor networks at home
H Huo, Y Xu, H Yan, S Mubeen, H Zhang
2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2009
Deep reinforcement learning based resource management for DNN inference in industrial IoT
W Zhang, D Yang, H Peng, W Wu, W Quan, H Zhang, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (8), 7605-7618, 2021
Enhancing crowd collaborations for software defined vehicular networks
W Quan, Y Liu, H Zhang, S Yu
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (8), 80-86, 2017
Scalable name lookup with adaptive prefix bloom filter for named data networking
W Quan, C Xu, J Guan, H Zhang, LA Grieco
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (1), 102-105, 2013
Assignment of segmented slots enabling reliable real-time transmission in industrial wireless sensor networks
D Yang, Y Xu, H Wang, T Zheng, H Zhang, H Zhang, M Gidlund
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (6), 3966-3977, 2015
Cross-layer fairness-driven concurrent multipath video delivery over heterogeneous wireless networks
C Xu, Z Li, J Li, H Zhang, GM Muntean
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 25 (7), 1175-1189, 2014
Theories and algorithms of coverage control for wireless sensor networks
任彦, 张思东, 张宏科
Journal of Software 17 (3), 422-433, 2006
HetNet: A flexible architecture for heterogeneous satellite-terrestrial networks
B Feng, H Zhou, H Zhang, G Li, H Li, S Yu, HC Chao
IEEE network 31 (6), 86-92, 2017
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