Zhiyong Sun
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Cited by
Adaptive Event-Triggered Consensus of Multiagent Systems on Directed Graphs
X Li, Z Sun, Y Tang, HR Karimi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (4), 1670-1685, 2021
Bearing-based formation control of a group of agents with leader-first follower structure
MH Trinh, S Zhao, Z Sun, D Zelazo, BDO Anderson, HS Ahn
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (2), 598-613, 2018
Undirected Rigid Formations are Problematic
S Mou, MA Belabbas, AS Morse, Z Sun, BDO Anderson
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (10), 2821-2836, 2016
Exponential stability for formation control systems with generalized controllers: A unified approach
Z Sun, S Mou, BDO Anderson, M Cao
Systems & Control Letters 93, 50-57, 2016
A general approach to coordination control of mobile agents with motion constraints
S Zhao, DV Dimarogonas, Z Sun, D Bauso
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (5), 1509-1516, 2017
Projective synchronization of different fractional-order chaotic systems with non-identical orders
G Si, Z Sun, Y Zhang, W Chen
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 13 (4), 1761–1771, 2012
Event-Based Multiagent Consensus Control: Zeno-Free Triggering via Signals
Z Sun, N Huang, BDO Anderson, Z Duan
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (1), 284-296, 2020
Distributed Stabilization Control of Rigid Formations with Prescribed Orientations
Z Sun, MC Park, BDO Anderson, HS Ahn
Automatica 78 (04), 250-257, 2017
Exploring the Role of Social Media and Individual Behaviors in Flood Evacuation Processes: An Agent‐Based Modeling Approach
E Du, X Cai, Z Sun, B Minsker
Water Resources Research, 2017
Formation shape control with distance and area constraints
BDO Anderson, Z Sun, T Sugie, S Azuma, K Sakurama
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 1, 2-12, 2017
Circular formation control of multiple unicycle-type agents with nonidentical constant speeds
Z Sun, HG de Marina, GS Seyboth, BDO Anderson, C Yu
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 192-205, 2019
Rigid formation control of double-integrator systems
Z Sun, BDO Anderson, M Deghat, HS Ahn
International Journal of Control 90 (7), 1403-1419, 2017
Finite time distance-based rigid formation stabilization and flocking
Z Sun, S Mou, M Deghat, BDO Anderson, AS Morse
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9183-9189, 2014
Finite time distributed distance‐constrained shape stabilization and flocking control for d‐dimensional undirected rigid formations
Z Sun, S Mou, M Deghat, B Anderson
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (13), 2824–2844, 2016
Distributed fixed-time triggering-based containment control for networked nonlinear agents under directed graphs
T Xu, G Lv, Z Duan, Z Sun, J Yu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (10), 3541-3552, 2020
Rigid formation shape control in general dimensions: an invariance principle and open problems
Z Sun, U Helmke, BDO Anderson
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6095-6100, 2015
Distributed fixed-time coordination control for networked multiple Euler–Lagrange systems
T Xu, Z Duan, Z Sun, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (6), 4611-4622, 2020
Cooperative Coordination and Formation Control for Multi-agent Systems
Z Sun
Springer, 2018
Consensus on spheres: Convergence analysis and perturbation theory
C Lageman, Z Sun
The 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 19-24, 2016
Parameter estimation and topology identification of uncertain fractional order complex networks
G Si, Z Sun, H Zhang, Y Zhang
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (12), 5158–5171, 2012
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Articles 1–20