Tiago Brito Ramos
Tiago Brito Ramos
MARETEC, LARSyS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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Coping with salinity in irrigated agriculture: Crop evapotranspiration and water management issues
PS Minhas, TB Ramos, A Ben-Gal, LS Pereira
Agricultural Water Management 227, 105832, 2020
Two-dimensional modeling of water and nitrogen fate from sweet sorghum irrigated with fresh and blended saline waters
TB Ramos, J Šimůnek, MC Gonçalves, JC Martins, A Prazeres, LS Pereira
Agricultural Water Management 111, 87-104, 2012
Field evaluation of a multicomponent solute transport model in soils irrigated with saline waters
TB Ramos, J Šimůnek, MC Gonçalves, JC Martins, A Prazeres, ...
Journal of Hydrology 407 (1-4), 129-144, 2011
Assessing the effects of water table depth on water use, soil salinity and wheat yield: Searching for a target depth for irrigated areas in the upper Yellow River basin
X Xu, G Huang, C Sun, LS Pereira, TB Ramos, Q Huang, Y Hao
Agricultural water management 125, 46-60, 2013
Multicomponent solute transport in soil lysimeters irrigated with waters of different quality
MC Gonçalves, J Šimůnek, TB Ramos, JC Martins, MJ Neves, FP Pires
Water resources research 42 (8), 2006
Estimation of soil hydraulic properties from numerical inversion of tension disk infiltrometer data
TB Ramos, MC Goncalves, JC Martins, MT Van Genuchten, FP Pires
Vadose Zone Journal 5 (2), 684-696, 2006
Modelling soil water dynamics of full and deficit drip irrigated maize cultivated under a rain shelter
MG Gonzalez, TB Ramos, R Carlesso, P Paredes, MT Petry, JD Martins, ...
biosystems engineering 132, 1-18, 2015
Sediment and nutrient dynamics during storm events in the Enxoé temporary river, southern Portugal
TB Ramos, MC Gonçalves, MA Branco, D Brito, S Rodrigues, ...
Catena 127, 177-190, 2015
Soil salinity assessment using vegetation indices derived from Sentinel-2 multispectral data. application to Lezíria Grande, Portugal
TB Ramos, N Castanheira, AR Oliveira, AM Paz, H Darouich, ...
Agricultural Water Management 241, 106387, 2020
Modelling soil water and maize growth dynamics influenced by shallow groundwater conditions in the Sorraia Valley region, Portugal
TB Ramos, L Simionesei, E Jauch, C Almeida, R Neves
Agricultural Water Management 185, 27-42, 2017
IrrigaSys: A web-based irrigation decision support system based on open source data and technology
L Simionesei, TB Ramos, J Palma, AR Oliveira, R Neves
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 178, 105822, 2020
The dual Kc approach to assess maize and sweet sorghum transpiration and soil evaporation under saline conditions: Application of the SIMDualKc model
RD Rosa, TB Ramos, LS Pereira
Agricultural Water Management 177, 77-94, 2016
The INFOSOLO database as a first step towards the development of a soil information system in Portugal
TB Ramos, A Horta, MC Gonçalves, FP Pires, D Duffy, JC Martins
Catena 158, 390-412, 2017
Assessing the adequacy of SWAT model to simulate postfire effects on the watershed hydrological regime and water quality
M Basso, DCS Vieira, TB Ramos, M Mateus
Land Degradation & Development 31 (5), 619-631, 2020
Groundwater recharge and capillary rise in irrigated areas of the Upper Yellow River Basin assessed by an agro‐hydrological model
X Xu, C Sun, Z Qu, Q Huang, TB Ramos, G Huang
Irrigation and Drainage 64 (5), 587-599, 2015
Modeling and assessing the function and sustainability of natural patches in salt-affected agro-ecosystems: Application to tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.) in Hetao, upper …
D Ren, X Xu, TB Ramos, Q Huang, Z Huo, G Huang
Journal of Hydrology 552, 490-504, 2017
Soil salinization in very high-density olive orchards grown in southern Portugal: Current risks and possible trends
TB Ramos, H Darouich, J Šimůnek, MC Gonçalves, JC Martins
Agricultural Water Management 217, 265-281, 2019
Using a hierarchical approach to calibrate SWAT and predict the semi-arid hydrologic regime of northeastern Brazil
CAS Santos, C Almeida, TB Ramos, FA Rocha, R Oliveira, R Neves
Water 10 (9), 1137, 2018
Water Use and Soil Water Balance of Mediterranean Vineyards under Rainfed and Drip Irrigation Management: Evapotranspiration Partition and Soil Management Modelling for …
H Darouich, TB Ramos, LS Pereira, D Rabino, G Bagagiolo, G Capello, ...
Water 14 (4), 554, 2022
Using a hydrologic model to assess the performance of regional climate models in a semi-arid watershed in Brazil
CAS Santos, FA Rocha, TB Ramos, LM Alves, M Mateus, RP Oliveira, ...
Water 11 (1), 170, 2019
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