Jan Kleinnijenhuis
Jan Kleinnijenhuis
Professor of Communication Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Doing Research in Political Science: An Introduction to Comparative Methods and Statistics
P Pennings, H Keman, J Kleinnijenhuis
Sage Publications Limited, 2006
News selection criteria in the digital age: Professional norms versus online audience metrics
K Welbers, W Van Atteveldt, J Kleinnijenhuis, N Ruigrok, J Schaper
Journalism 17 (8), 1037-1053, 2016
Strategic framing in the BP crisis: A semantic network analysis of associative frames
F Schultz, J Kleinnijenhuis, D Oegema, S Utz, W Van Atteveldt
Public Relations Review 38 (1), 97-107, 2012
Issue news and corporate reputation: Applying the theories of agenda setting and issue ownership in the field of business communication
MM Meijer, J Kleinnijenhuis
Journal of Communication 56 (3), 543-559, 2006
Negative news and the sleeper effect of distrust
J Kleinnijenhuis, AMJ van Hoof, D Oegema
The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 11 (2), 86-104, 2006
Measurement of party positions on the basis of party programmes, media coverage and voter perceptions
J Kleinnijenhuis, P Pennings
Estimating the policy positions of political actors, 162-82, 2001
Reasoning in Economic Discourse: An Application of the Network Approach to the Dutch Press
J Kleinnijenhuis, JA de Ridder, EM Rietberg
Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical …, 1997
Media logic in election campaign coverage
J Takens, W Van Atteveldt, A Van Hoof, J Kleinnijenhuis
European Journal of Communication 28 (3), 277-293, 2013
Loss of parliamentary control due to mediatization and Europeanization: A longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of agenda building in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
LLJ Van Noije, J Kleinnijenhuis, D Oegema
British Journal of Political Science 38 (3), 455-478, 2008
A Test of Rivaling Approaches to Explain News Effects: News on Issue Positions of Parties, Real‐World Developments, Support and Criticism, and Success and Failure
J Kleinnijenhuis, AMJ Van Hoof, D Oegema, JA De Ridder
Journal of Communication 57 (2), 366-384, 2007
De puinhopen in het nieuws: de rol van de media bij de Tweede-Kamerverkiezingen van 2002
J Kleinnijenhuis, D Oegema, JA de Ridder, AMJ van Hoof, R Vliegenthart
Kluwer, 2003
Parsing, semantic networks, and political authority using syntactic analysis to extract semantic relations from Dutch newspaper articles
W Van Atteveldt, J Kleinnijenhuis, N Ruigrok
Political Analysis 16 (4), 428-446, 2008
News and corporate reputation: Empirical findings from the Netherlands
MM Meijer, J Kleinnijenhuis
Public Relations Review 32 (4), 341-348, 2006
Newspaper complexity and the knowledge gap
J Kleinnijenhuis
European journal of communication 6 (4), 499-522, 1991
Issue news and electoral volatility. A comparative analysis of media effects during the 1994 election campaigns in Germany and the Netherlands
J Kleinnijenhuis, JA de Ridder
European Journal of Political Research 33 (3), 413-437, 1998
A gatekeeper among gatekeepers: News agency influence in print and online newspapers in the Netherlands
K Welbers, W Van Atteveldt, J Kleinnijenhuis, N Ruigrok
Journalism Studies 19 (3), 315-333, 2018
Good news or bad news? Conducting sentiment analysis on Dutch text to distinguish between positive and negative relations
W van Atteveldt, J Kleinnijenhuis, N Ruigrok, S Schlobach
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 5 (1), 73-94, 2008
Polarization in the media during an election campaign: A dynamic network model predicting support and attack among political actors
W De Nooy, J Kleinnijenhuis
Political communication 30 (1), 117-138, 2013
Nederland vijfstromenland: De rol van de media en stemwijzers bij de verkiezingen van 2006.
J Kleinnijenhuis, O Scholten, W van Atteveldt, A van Hoof, A Krouwel, ...
Bert Bakker, 2007
Financial News and Market Panics in the age of high frequency sentiment trading algorithms
J Kleinnijenhuis, F Schultz, D Oegema, W van Atteveldt
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