Denilson Alves Pereira
Denilson Alves Pereira
Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brasil
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Using web information for author name disambiguation
DA Pereira, B Ribeiro-Neto, N Ziviani, AHF Laender, MA Gonçalves, ...
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, 49-58, 2009
A survey of sentiment analysis in the Portuguese language
DA Pereira
Artificial Intelligence Review 54 (2), 1087-1115, 2021
The Experience of Using the Scrum Process in the Production of Learning Objects for Blended Learning.
RW De Bettio, DA Pereira, RX Martins, T Heimfarth
Informatics in Education 12 (1), 29-41, 2013
Disambiguating publication venue titles using association rules
DA Pereira, EEB da Silva, AAA Esmin
IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 77-86, 2014
Review and comparison of Apriori algorithm implementations on Hadoop-MapReduce and Spark
EPS Castro, TD Maia, MR Pereira, AAA Esmin, DA Pereira
The Knowledge Engineering Review 33, e9, 2018
A generic Web‐based entity resolution framework
DA Pereira, B Ribeiro‐Neto, N Ziviani, AHF Laender, MA Gonçalves
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (5 …, 2011
Using web information for creating publication venue authority files
DA Pereira, B Ribeiro-Neto, N Ziviani, AHF Laender
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2008
Classifying short unstructured data using the Apache Spark platform
EPS Castro, S Chakravarty, E Williamson, DA Pereira, EA Fox
2017 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 1-10, 2017
Applying information retrieval techniques to detect duplicates and to rank references in the preliminary phases of systematic: Literature reviews
R Abilio, F Morais, G Vale, C Oliveira, D Pereira, H Costa
CLEI Electronic Journal 18 (2), 3-3, 2015
An association rules based method for classifying product offers from e-shopping
CM Oliveira, DA Pereira
Intelligent Data Analysis 21 (3), 637-660, 2017
A framework to collect and extract publication lists of a given researcher from the web
CM Garcia, AH Pereira, DA Pereira
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 12 (3), 234-252, 2017
Evaluating an aspect extraction method for opinion mining in the portuguese language
B Cardoso, D Pereira
Anais do VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning, 137-144, 2020
Bigfeel—a distributed processing environment for the integration of sentiment analysis methods
RS Ferreira, DA Pereira
The Computer Journal 62 (11), 1671-1683, 2019
Systematic literature review supported by information retrieval techniques: a case study
R Abilio, G Vale, D Pereira, C Oliveira, F Morais, H Costa
2014 XL Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-11, 2014
A multiclass classification approach for incremental entity resolution on short textual data
JA Silva, DA Pereira
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 18 (2), 218-245, 2021
SMINER–a platform for data mining based on service-oriented architecture
AAA Esmin, DA Pereira, MR Pereira, DL Araújo
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 8 (1), 1-18, 2013
Enriching an Authority File of Scientific Conferences with Information Extracted from the Web.
HA de Jesus, DA Pereira
J. Comput. Sci. 13 (4), 68-77, 2017
MapReduce Apriori (MRA): Uma Proposta de Implementação do Algoritmo Apriori Usando o Framework MapReduce
AC Bolina, DA Pereira, AAA Esmin, MR Pereira
PVAF: an environment for disambiguation of scientific publication venues
TA Paraizo, DA Pereira
International Journal on Digital Libraries 21 (4), 407-421, 2020
PVAF Manager-Um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Informação sobre Veículos de Publicação Científica
T Paraizo, D Silva, D Pereira
Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI), 364-371, 2017
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Articles 1–20