Alexander Arturo Mera
Alexander Arturo Mera
PhD in Computer Science, PUC-Rio
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Cited by
Cited by
Complex Matching of RDF Datatype Properties
BP Nunes, A Mera, MA Casanova, KK Breitman, L Leme
MCC12/11, Dept Informatics, PUC-Rio (September 2011), 2011
A topic extraction process for online forums
BP Nunes, A Mera, R Kawase, B Fetahu, MA Casanova, GHB de Campos
2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2014
RDB2RDF plugin: relational databases to RDF plugin for eclipse
PE Salas, E Marx, A Mera, J Viterbo
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins, 28-31, 2011
Boosting retrieval of digital spoken content
B Pereira Nunes, A Mera, MA Casanova, R Kawase
Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning and Lattice Computing with …, 2013
Automatically generating multilingual, semantically enhanced, descriptions of digital audio and video objects on the web
B Pereira Nunes, A Mera, MA Casanova, R Kawase
Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering …, 2012
Topic Extraction and Selection: Online Discussion Forums at a Glance
BP Nunes, A Mera, R Kawase, MA Casanova, GHB de Campos
A tool to publish descriptions of digital audio and video objects on the Web
BP Nunes, A Mera, MA Casanova
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Articles 1–7