Andrea Masciadri
Andrea Masciadri
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Indoor human detection based on thermal array sensor data and adaptive background estimation
AA Trofimova, A Masciadri, F Veronese, F Salice
Journal of Computer and Communications 5 (4), 16-28, 2017
Ratiometric sweat secretion optical test in cystic fibrosis, carriers and healthy subjects
G Bergamini, G Tridello, E Calcaterra, S Ceri, M Tagliasacchi, F Bianchi, ...
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 17 (2), 186-189, 2018
CLONE: a promising system for the remote monitoring of Alzheimer's patients: an experimentation with a wearable device in a village for Alzheimer's care
F Amato, S Bianchi, S Comai, P Crovari, MGG Pasquarelli, A Imtiaz, ...
Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and …, 2018
Wellness assessment of Alzheimer’s patients in an instrumented health-care facility
A Masciadri, S Comai, F Salice
Sensors 19 (17), 3658, 2019
Realistic human behaviour simulation for quantitative ambient intelligence studies
F Veronese, A Masciadri, AA Trofimova, M Matteucci, F Salice
Technology and Disability 28 (4), 159-177, 2016
Behavior drift detection based on anomalies identification in home living quantitative indicators
F Veronese, A Masciadri, S Comai, M Matteucci, F Salice
Technologies 6 (1), 16, 2018
Understanding social behaviour in a health-care facility from localization data: a case study
G Bellini, M Cipriano, S Comai, N De Angeli, JP Gargano, M Gianella, ...
Sensors 21 (6), 2147, 2021
Data-driven user profiling for smart ecosystems
M Brambilla, A Javadian Sabet, A Masciadri
Smart Living between Cultures and Practices. A Design Oriented Perspective …, 2019
Non-invasive monitoring system to detect sitting people
D Rosato, A Masciadri, S Comai, F Salice
Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and …, 2018
Disseminating Synthetic Smart Home Data for Advanced Applications.
A Masciadri, F Veronese, S Comai, I Carlini, F Salice
CIKM Workshops, 2018
Human behavior drift detection in a smart home environment
A Masciadri, AA Trofimova, M Matteucci, F Salice
Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives, 199-203, 2017
A Multi-Resident Number Estimation Method for Smart Homes
A Masciadri, C Lin, S Comai, F Salice
Sensors 22 (13), 4823, 2022
ALMA: An Indoor Localization and Navigation System for the Elderly
S Comai, E De Bernardi, A Masciadri, M Matteucci, F Salice, F Veronese
Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good: Third International …, 2018
A review on technological solutions supporting people with dementia in the activity of dressing
S Ghezzi, A Masciadri, F Salice, S Comai
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 168-175, 2022
Supporting alzheimer’s residential care-a novel indoor localization system
F Salice, S Comai, I Carlini, A Masciadri
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and …, 2018
Alzheimer’s garden: Understanding social behaviors of patients with dementia to improve their quality of life
G Bellini, M Cipriano, N De Angeli, JP Gargano, M Gianella, G Goi, ...
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 384-393, 2020
SMARE: Semi-supervised Method for Activities of daily living REcognition
A Masciadri, S Comai, F Salice
2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2019
Understanding home inactivity for human behavior anomaly detection
A Masciadri, C Scarantino, S Comai, F Salice
Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and …, 2019
Detecting social interaction in a smart environment
A Masciadri, S Brusadella, A Tocchetti, S Comai, F Salice
Technology and Disability 31, 119-120, 2019
ODINS: On-Demand Indoor Navigation System RFID Based
F Bianchi, A Masciadri, F Salice
Assistive Technology, 341-349, 2015
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