Adelinda Araújo Candeias
Adelinda Araújo Candeias
Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Health Sciences and Human Development, University of
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Social and emotional learning and academic achievement in Portuguese schools: A bibliometric study
AM Cristóvão, AA Candeias, J Verdasca
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1913, 2017
Emotion understanding, social competence and school achievement in children from primary school in Portugal
MG Franco, MJ Beja, A Candeias, N Santos
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1376, 2017
Re-assessing the current assessment practice of children with special education needs in Europe
J Lebeer, N Birta-Szekely, K Demeter, K Bohács, AA Candeias, ...
School Psychology International 33 (1), 69-92, 2012
Student's attitutes toward learning and school-Study of exploratory models about the effects of socio-demographics and personal attributes
AA Candeias, N Rebelo, M Oliveira
London: Infonomics Society Press, 2011
Academic achievement in physics-chemistry: the predictive effect of attitudes and reasoning abilities
PN Vilia, AA Candeias, AS Neto, MDGS Franco, M Melo
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1064, 2017
Criatividade: Perspectiva integrativa sobre o conceito e a sua avaliação
AA Candeias
Criatividade: conceito, necessidades e intervenção, 41-64, 2008
Development of socio-emotional and creative skills in primary education: Teachers' perceptions about the Gulbenkian xxi school learning communities project
AM Cristóvão, AA Candeias, JL Verdasca
Frontiers in Education 4, 160, 2020
Test of Emotional Comprehension: Exploring the underlying structure through Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Similarity Structure Analysis.
A Rocha, A Roazzi, A Silva, AA Candeias, C Minervino, M Roazzi, F Pons
Educação inclusiva: concepções e práticas
AA Candeias
Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia (CIEP) Universidade de Évora, 2009
Stress and burnout in teaching. Study in an inclusive school workplace
A Candeias, E Galindo, I Calisto, L Borralho, K Reschke
Health Psychology Report 9 (1), 63-75, 2021
Attitude towards the discipline of physics-chemistry and school achievement: revisiting factor structure to assess gender differences in Portuguese high-school students
P Vilia, AA Candeias
International Journal of Science Education 42 (1), 133-150, 2020
Programa nacional de prevenção e controlo da diabetes
A Candeias, J Boavida, L Correia, M Pereira, M Almeida, R Duarte
Lisboa, Portugal: Gráfica Maiadouro, 2008
Pupils’ Attitudes and Motivation toward learning and school–Study of exploratory models on the effects of socio-demographics, personal attributes and school characteristics
AA Candeias, N Rebelo, M Oliveira, P Mendes
Res. Gate 1, 1-18, 2010
Inteligência: Definição e medida na confluência de múltiplas concepções
AA Candeias, LS Almeida, A Roazzi, R Primi
Casa do Psicólogo, 2008
Cessação Tabágica: Programa-tipo de actuação
E Nunes, A Candeias, B Mendes, C Pardal, J Fonseca, L Oliveira, ...
Lisboa: Direcção-Geral da Saúde, 2007
The need for a more dynamic and ecological assessment of children experiencing barriers to learning to move towards inclusive education: a summary of results of the Daffodil …
JO Lebeer, P Partanen, AA Candeias, N Birta-Szekely, K Demeter, ...
Fundamentos para a educação inclusiva em Portugal
M Rebocho, MJ Saragoça, A Candeias
Educação inclusiva: concepções e práticas, 38-48, 2009
Inteligência social: o que é e como avaliar?
AA Candeias
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Serviço de Educação e Bolsas, 2008
Competência social: A sua avaliação em contextos de desenvolvimento e educação
AA Candeias, LS Almeida
Revista de Psicologia, Educação e Cultura 2 (9), 359-378, 2005
Prova cognitiva de inteligência social
MA Candeias
M. Gonçalves, M. Simões, A. Almeida & C. Machado (Coords.), Avaliação …, 2003
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