Carla Morais
Carla Morais
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
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An exploratory study on the emergency remote education experience of higher education students and teachers during the COVID‐19 pandemic
G Oliveira, J Grenha Teixeira, A Torres, C Morais
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (4), 1357-1376, 2021
Storytelling with chemistry and related hands-on activities: Non-formal learning experiences to prevent "chemophobia" and promote young children´s scientific literacy
C Morais
Journal of Chemical Education 92 (1), 58-65, 2015
The shift from “e‐learning” to “learning”: Invisible technology and the dropping of the “e”
JC Paiva, C Morais, L Costa, A Pinheiro
British Journal of Educational Technology 47 (2), 226-238, 2016
Simulação digital e atividades experimentais em Físico-Químicas: Estudo-piloto sobre o impacto do recurso “Ponto de fusão e ponto de ebulição” no 7.º ano de escolaridade
C Morais, JC Paiva
Sísifo. Revista de Ciências da Educação 3, 101-112, 2007
Student participation in a coastal water quality citizen science project and its contribution to the conceptual and procedural learning of chemistry
JL Araújo, C Morais, JC Paiva
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 23 (1), 100-112, 2022
O multimédia no ensino das ciências: cinco anos de investigação e ensino em Portugal
JC Paiva, C Morais, L Moreira
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2015
Referências importantes para a inclusão coerente das TIC na educação numa sociedade “sistémica”
J Paiva, C Morais, JC Paiva
Educação, Formação & Tecnologias 3 (2), 5-17, 2010
Activities with Parents on the Computer: an ecological framework
JC Paiva, C Morais, L Moreira
Journal of Education Technology & Society, 2017
Specialization, chemistry and poetry: Challenging chemistry boundaries
JC Paiva, C Morais, L Moreira
Journal of Chemical Education 90 (12), 1577-1579, 2013
Students’ attitudes towards science: The contribution of a citizen science project for monitoring coastal water quality and (micro)plastics
JL Araújo, C Morais, JC Paiva
Journal of Baltic Science Education 20, 881-893, 2021
Developing and Implementing a Low-Cost, Portable Pedagogical Kit To Foster Students’ Water Quality Awareness and Engagement by Sampling Coastal Waters and Analyzing …
JL Araújo, C Morais, JC Paiva
Journal of Chemical Education, 2020
Developing and Implementing a Low-Cost, Portable Pedagogical Kit To Foster Students’ Water Quality Awareness and Engagement by Sampling Coastal Waters and Analyzing …
JL Araújo, C Morais, JC Paiva
Journal of Chemical Education 97, 3697-3701, 2020
Perspectives and contemporary reflections on the triangle education-technology-society and its influence on science teaching
C Morais, JC Paiva
Educação e Pesquisa 40 (4), 953-964, 2014
Desenvolvimento profissional e cooperação internacional para professores de química: avaliação da intenção de mudança pedagógica após formação continuada no Porto, Portugal
JC Paiva, C Morais, MPA Rosa, L Moreira, ML Eichler
Química Nova 40 (1), 105-112, 2017
Poetry and alkali metals: building bridges to the study of atomic radius and ionization energy
JL Araújo, C Morais, JC Paiva
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 16, 893-900, 2015
Olhares e reflexões contemporâneas sobre o triângulo sociedade-educação-tecnologias e suas influências no ensino das ciências
C Morais, JC Paiva
Educação e Pesquisa 40 (4), 953-964, 2014
Awakening to chemistry through storytelling and practical activities: Middle school students interacting with pre-school children
C Morais, JL Araújo, I Saúde
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20, 302-315, 2019
Planos de segurança em sistemas públicos de abastecimento de água para consumo humano
JMP Vieira, C Morais
Série Guias Técnicos 7, 2005
Science-religion dialogue in education: Religion teachers’ perceptions in a Roman-Catholic context
JC Paiva, M Rosa, JR Moreira, C Morais, L Moreira
Research in Science Education 50, 2020
+ Química digital
C Morais
Recursos digitais no ensino da Química: uma experiência no 7. º ano de …, 2006
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