Lluis Orriols
Cited by
Cited by
The breakdown of the Spanish two-party system: the upsurge of Podemos and Ciudadanos in the 2015 general election
L Orriols, G Cordero
South European Society and Politics 21 (4), 469-492, 2016
The 2015 Catalan election: The independence bid at the polls
L Orriols, T Rodon
South European society and politics 21 (3), 359-381, 2016
Looking for affective polarisation in Spain: PSOE and Podemos from conflict to coalition
L Orriols, S León
The Politics of Polarisation, 98-126, 2022
Asymmetric federalism and economic voting
S Leon, L Orriols
European Journal of Political Research 55 (4), 847-865, 2016
Ballot structure and satisfaction with democracy
A Bosch, L Orriols
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 24 (4), 493-511, 2014
Party polarisation and spatial voting in Spain
L Orriols, L Balcells
Voters and Parties in the Spanish Political Space, 29-45, 2016
Elecciones generales 2011
E Anduiza, B Agustí, L Orriols, G Rico
CIS-Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2014
Voting without ideology. Evidence from Spain (1979-2008)
L De la Calle, Á Martínez, L Orriols
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS) 129 (1), 107-129, 2010
The role of the political context in voting indecision
L Orriols, Á Martínez
Electoral Studies 35, 12-23, 2014
Explaining the electoral effects of public investments: The case of the expansion of the underground in Madrid, 1995–2007
L De La Calle, L Orriols
European Journal of Political Research 49 (3), 393-417, 2010
La polarización afectiva en España: Bloques ideológicos enfrentados
L Orriols
Agenda Global. EsadeEcPol Insigh, 1-14, 2021
Deciding about the unknown: The effect of party and ideological cues on forming opinions about the European Union
M Torcal, S Martini, L Orriols
European Union Politics 19 (3), 502-523, 2018
Social Class, Religiosity, and Vote Choice in Spain, 1979–2008
L Orriols
Evans, G.; de Graaf, ND, Political Choice Matters, 360-390, 2013
Attributing responsibility in devolved contexts. Experimental evidence from the UK
S León, L Orriols
Electoral Studies 59, 39-48, 2019
The policy mood in Spain: The thermostat in a warm climate, 1978–2017
J Bartle, A Bosch, L Orriols
European Political Science Review 12 (2), 133-153, 2020
El clima de opinión
L Orriols, G Rico, ABE Anduiza
Elecciones generales 2011, 63-82, 2014
Cataluña en la encrucijada
T Rodon, L Orriols
Marcial Pons, 2014
Social spending, partisan bias and vote choice. Evidence from the US
L Orriols
Electoral Studies 29 (1), 54-65, 2010
La competición política en Cataluña, 1980-2017. Un ejemplo de polarización extrema en la dimensión territorial
L Orriols
En busca del poder territorial: Cuatro décadas de elecciones autonómicas en …, 2019
Introducción. Elecciones generales 2011
E Anduiza, A Bosch, L Orriols, G Rico
Elecciones generales 2011, 11-27, 2014
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Articles 1–20