alan gerber
alan gerber
professor of political science, yale university
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Social pressure and voter turnout: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment
AS Gerber, DP Green, CW Larimer
American political Science review 102 (1), 33-48, 2008
The effects of canvassing, telephone calls, and direct mail on voter turnout: A field experiment
AS Gerber, DP Green
American political science review 94 (3), 653-663, 2000
Field experiments: Design, analysis, and interpretation
AS Gerber, DP Green
(No Title), 2012
Get out the vote: How to increase voter turnout
DP Green, AS Gerber
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
Personality and political attitudes: Relationships across issue domains and political contexts
AS Gerber, GA Huber, D Doherty, CM Dowling, SE Ha
American Political Science Review 104 (1), 111-133, 2010
Voting may be habit‐forming: evidence from a randomized field experiment
AS Gerber, DP Green, R Shachar
American journal of political science 47 (3), 540-550, 2003
Does the media matter? A field experiment measuring the effect of newspapers on voting behavior and political opinions
AS Gerber, D Karlan, D Bergan
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 1 (2), 35-52, 2009
Descriptive social norms and motivation to vote: Everybody's voting and so should you
AS Gerber, T Rogers
The Journal of Politics 71 (1), 178-191, 2009
How large and long-lasting are the persuasive effects of televised campaign ads? Results from a randomized field experiment
AS Gerber, JG Gimpel, DP Green, DR Shaw
American Political Science Review 105 (1), 135-150, 2011
Partisan bias in factual beliefs about politics
JG Bullock, AS Gerber, SJ Hill, GA Huber
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Estimating the effect of campaign spending on senate election outcomes using instrumental variables
A Gerber
American Political science review 92 (2), 401-411, 1998
The big five personality traits in the political arena
AS Gerber, GA Huber, D Doherty, CM Dowling
Annual Review of Political Science 14 (1), 265-287, 2011
Misperceptions about perceptual bias
A Gerber, D Green
Annual review of political science 2 (1), 189-210, 1999
Promoting transparency in social science research
E Miguel, C Camerer, K Casey, J Cohen, KM Esterling, A Gerber, ...
Science 343 (6166), 30-31, 2014
Getting out the vote in local elections: Results from six door-to-door canvassing experiments
DP Green, AS Gerber, DW Nickerson
The Journal of Politics 65 (4), 1083-1096, 2003
Do statistical reporting standards affect what is published? Publication bias in two leading political science journals
A Gerber, N Malhotra
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 3 (3), 313-326, 2008
Partisanship, political control, and economic assessments
AS Gerber, GA Huber
American Journal of Political Science 54 (1), 153-173, 2010
Personality traits and participation in political processes
AS Gerber, GA Huber, D Doherty, CM Dowling, C Raso, SE Ha
The Journal of Politics 73 (3), 692-706, 2011
Rational learning and partisan attitudes
A Gerber, DP Green
American journal of political science, 794-818, 1998
Party affiliation, partisanship, and political beliefs: A field experiment
AS Gerber, GA Huber, E Washington
American Political Science Review 104 (4), 720-744, 2010
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