Matthew R. Oster
Cited by
Cited by
Maintaining connected components for infinite graph streams
J Berry, M Oster, CA Phillips, S Plimpton, TM Shead
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and …, 2013
Quantifying mixed uncertainties in cyber attacker payoffs
S Chatterjee, M Halappanavar, R Tipireddy, M Oster, S Saha
2015 IEEE international symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST …, 2015
The koopman operator: Capabilities and recent advances
C Bakker, A Bhattacharya, S Chatterjee, CJ Perkins, MR Oster
2020 Resilience Week (RWS), 34-40, 2020
Agent-centric approach for cybersecurity decision-support with partial observability
R Tipireddy, S Chatterjee, P Paulson, M Oster, M Halappanavar
2017 IEEE international symposium on technologies for Homeland Security (HST …, 2017
Power system resilience through defender-attacker-defender models with uncertainty: an overview
M Oster, S Chatterjee, F Pan, C Bakker, A Bhattacharya, C Perkins
2020 Resilience Week (RWS), 11-17, 2020
Game theory and uncertainty quantification for cyber defense applications
S Chatterjee, M Halappanavar, R Tipireddy, M Oster
SIAM News 49 (6), 1-5, 2016
Solving the dynamics-aware economic dispatch problem with the koopman operator
E King, C Bakker, A Bhattacharya, S Chatterjee, F Pan, MR Oster, ...
Proceedings of the twelfth ACM international conference on future energy …, 2021
Learning Koopman representations for hybrid systems
C Bakker, A Bhattacharya, S Chatterjee, CJ Perkins, MR Oster
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12427, 2020
Propagating mixed uncertainties in cyber attacker payoffs: exploration of two-phase Monte Carlo sampling and probability bounds analysis
S Chatterjee, R Tipireddy, M Oster, M Halappanavar
2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 1-6, 2016
DSO+ T: Integrated System Simulation (DSO+ T Study: Volume 2)
HM Reeve, A Singhal, A Tbaileh, RG Pratt, TD Hardy, JD Doty, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2022
VAST Challenge 2019
K Cook, C Larimer, J Cottam, M Oster, K Pierce, J Smith, G Tietje, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2019
Dso+ t: Integrated system simulation dso+ t study
HM Reeve, A Singhal, A Tbaileh, RG Pratt, TD Hardy, JD Doty, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), Tech. Rep 1, 2022
Developing a System Evaluation Methodology for a Warhead Monitoring System
CD Chen, CB Dale, SM DeLand, A Waterworth, TA Edmunds, D Keating, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2016
Two applications of combinatorial optimization
MR Oster
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2014
A tri-level optimization model for interdependent infrastructure network resilience against compound hazard events
MR Oster, I Amburg, S Chatterjee, DA Eisenberg, DG Thomas, F Pan, ...
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 47, 100723, 2024
Aviation transportation, cyber threats, and network-of-networks: Modeling perspectives for translating theory to practice
U Bhatia, S Chatterjee, AR Ganguly, J Gao, M Halappanavar, M Oster, ...
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST …, 2018
Solvability, Operability, and Security for Cyber-Physical Systems: New Computational Methods with Revised Assumptions
C Bakker, A Bhattacharya, S Chatterjee, MR Oster, CJ Perkins, F Pan
Journal of Information Warfare 20 (2), 1--26, 2021
A probabilistic framework for quantifying mixed uncertainties in cyber attacker payoffs
S Chatterjee, R Tipireddy, MR Oster, M Halappanavar
National Cybersecurity Institute Journal 2 (PNNL-SA-114140), 2015
Using simulation to evaluate warhead monitoring system effectiveness
CJ Perkins, RT Brigantic, DH Keating, KR Liles, NJ Meyer, MR Oster, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2015
Multi-level optimization with the koopman operator for data-driven, domain-aware, and dynamic system security
MR Oster, E King, C Bakker, A Bhattacharya, S Chatterjee, F Pan
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 237, 109323, 2023
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Articles 1–20