Raúl Gutiérrez
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Context-sensitive dependency pairs
B Alarcón, R Gutiérrez, S Lucas
Information and Computation 208 (8), 922-968, 2010
Genetic algorithms using parallelism and FPGAs: the TSP as case study
MA Vega-Rodriguez, R Gutierrez-Gil, JM Avila-Roman, ...
2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW'05 …, 2005
Proving Termination Properties with mu-term
B Alarcón, R Gutiérrez, S Lucas, R Navarro-Marset
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology …, 2010
Proving termination of context-sensitive rewriting with MU-TERM
B Alarcón, R Gutiérrez, J Iborra, S Lucas
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 188, 105-115, 2007
Improving context-sensitive dependency pairs
B Alarcón, F Emmes, C Fuhs, J Giesl, R Gutiérrez, S Lucas, ...
International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence …, 2008
On the use of information fusion techniques to improve information quality: Taxonomy, opportunities and challenges
R Gutiérrez, V Rampérez, H Paggi, JA Lara, J Soriano
Information Fusion 78, 102-137, 2022
Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms
R Gutiérrez, J Meseguer, C Rocha
9th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications 7571, 162-181, 2012
Improving the context-sensitive dependency graph
B Alarcón, R Gutiérrez, S Lucas
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 188, 91-103, 2007
Use of logical models for proving infeasibility in term rewriting
S Lucas, R Gutiérrez
Information Processing Letters 136, 90-95, 2018
mu-term: Verify Termination Properties Automatically (System Description)
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 436-447, 2020
Automatically proving and disproving feasibility conditions
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 416-435, 2020
Automatic synthesis of logical models for order-sorted first-order theories
S Lucas, R Gutiérrez
Journal of Automated Reasoning 60, 465-501, 2018
Proving termination in the context-sensitive dependency pair framework
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas
International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications, 18-34, 2010
Usable rules for context-sensitive rewrite systems
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas, X Urbain
Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 19th International Conference, RTA …, 2008
The 2D Dependency Pair Framework for conditional rewrite systems. Part I: Definition and basic processors
S Lucas, J Meseguer, R Gutiérrez
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 96, 74-106, 2018
A tool for the automatic generation of logical models of order-sorted first-order theories
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas, P Reinoso
Proc. of PROLE 16, 215-230, 2016
Automatic generation of logical models with AGES
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas
Automated Deduction–CADE 27: 27th International Conference on Automated …, 2019
Proving and disproving confluence of context-sensitive rewriting
S Lucas, M Vítores, R Gutiérrez
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 126, 100749, 2022
Confluence of conditional rewriting in logic form
R Gutiérrez, S Lucas, M Vítores
41st IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and …, 2021
Extending the 2D dependency pair framework for conditional term rewriting systems
S Lucas, J Meseguer, R Gutiérrez
International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation …, 2014
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Articles 1–20