Vito Scarola
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The ALPS project release 2.0: open source software for strongly correlated systems
B Bauer, LD Carr, HG Evertz, A Feiguin, J Freire, S Fuchs, L Gamper, ...
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (05), P05001, 2011
Quantum phases of the extended Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian: Possibility of a supersolid state of cold atoms in optical lattices
VW Scarola, SD Sarma
Physical review letters 95 (3), 033003, 2005
Quantitative determination of temperature in the approach to magnetic order of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice
R Jördens, L Tarruell, D Greif, T Uehlinger, N Strohmaier, H Moritz, ...
Physical review letters 104 (18), 180401, 2010
Robustness of Topologically Protected Surface States in Layering of Thin Films
K Park, JJ Heremans, VW Scarola, D Minic
Physical review letters 105 (18), 186801, 2010
Dispersion of the excitations of fractional quantum Hall states
IV Kukushkin, JH Smet, VW Scarola, V Umansky, K von Klitzing
Science 324 (5930), 1044-1047, 2009
Cooper instability of composite fermions
VW Scarola, K Park, JK Jain
Nature 406 (6798), 863-865, 2000
Phase Diagram of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Effects of Landau-Level Mixing and Nonzero Width
K Pakrouski, MR Peterson, T Jolicoeur, VW Scarola, C Nayak, M Troyer
Physical Review X 5 (2), 021004, 2015
Searching for a supersolid in cold-atom optical lattices
VW Scarola, E Demler, S Das Sarma
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (5), 051601, 2006
Rotons of composite fermions: Comparison between theory and experiment
VW Scarola, K Park, JK Jain
Physical Review B 61 (19), 13064, 2000
Stripe Formation in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime
SY Lee, VW Scarola, JK Jain
Physical review letters 87 (25), 256803, 2001
Anyonic braiding in optical lattices
C Zhang, VW Scarola, S Tewari, S Das Sarma
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (47), 18415-18420, 2007
Néel temperature and thermodynamics of the half-filled three-dimensional Hubbard model by diagrammatic determinant Monte Carlo
E Kozik, E Burovski, VW Scarola, M Troyer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (20), 205102, 2013
Structures for interacting composite fermions: Stripes, bubbles, and fractional quantum Hall effect
SY Lee, VW Scarola, JK Jain
Physical Review B 66 (8), 085336, 2002
Discerning incompressible and compressible phases of cold atoms in optical lattices
VW Scarola, L Pollet, J Oitmaa, M Troyer
Physical review letters 102 (13), 135302, 2009
Exchange gate in solid-state spin-quantum computation: The applicability of the Heisenberg model
VW Scarola, S Das Sarma
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (3), 032340, 2005
Phase diagram of bilayer composite fermion states
VW Scarola, JK Jain
Physical Review B 64 (8), 085313, 2001
Possible pairing-induced even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect in the lowest Landau level
VW Scarola, JK Jain, EH Rezayi
Physical review letters 88 (21), 216804, 2002
The Phonon Drag Effect in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
VW Scarola, GD Mahan
Physical Review B 66 (20), 205405, 2002
Majorana corner modes with solitons in an attractive Hubbard-Hofstadter model of cold atom optical lattices
C Zeng, TD Stanescu, C Zhang, VW Scarola, S Tewari
Physical review letters 123 (6), 060402, 2019
Chirality in quantum computation with spin cluster qubits
VW Scarola, K Park, SD Sarma
Physical review letters 93 (12), 120503, 2004
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Articles 1–20