Christian Pirchheim
Cited by
Cited by
Instant outdoor localization and slam initialization from 2.5 d maps
C Arth, C Pirchheim, J Ventura, D Schmalstieg, V Lepetit
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics 21 (11), 1309-1318, 2015
Wide area localization from slam maps
D Schmalstieg, C Arth, J Ventura, C Pirchheim, G Reitmayr
US Patent App. 14/139,856, 2014
Planar mapping and tracking for mobile devices
C Pirchheim, G Reitmayr
US Patent 9,020,187, 2015
Sensor-based camera motion detection for unconstrained slam
C Pirchheim, C Arth, D Schmalstieg
US Patent 9,390,344, 2016
Handling pure camera rotation in keyframe-based SLAM
C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg, G Reitmayr
2013 IEEE international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR …, 2013
Zero-baseline 3d map initialization
C Pirchheim, J Ventura, D Schmalstieg, C Arth, V Lepetit
US Patent App. 14/743,990, 2015
Homography-based planar mapping and tracking for mobile phones
C Pirchheim, G Reitmayr
2011 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 27-36, 2011
Scalable 3D mapping system
D Schmalstieg, C Arth, C Pirchheim
US Patent 10,185,775, 2019
Monocular visual SLAM with general and panorama camera movements
C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg, G Reitmayr
US Patent 9,674,507, 2017
Deskotheque: Improved spatial awareness in multi-display environments
C Pirchheim, M Waldner, D Schmalstieg
2009 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 123-126, 2009
DetectFusion: Detecting and segmenting both known and unknown dynamic objects in real-time SLAM
R Hachiuma, C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg, H Saito
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.09127, 2019
Real-time view planning for unstructured lumigraph modeling
O Erat, M Hoell, K Haubenwallner, C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25 (11), 3063-3072, 2019
MAUI: Tele-assistance for Maintenance of Cyber-physical Systems
P Fleck, FR Aviles, C Pirchheim, C Arth, D Schmalstieg
15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications …, 2020
Automatic configuration of spatially consistent mouse pointer navigation in multi-display environments
M Waldner, C Pirchheim, E Kruijff, D Schmalstieg
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2010
Global 6dof pose estimation from untextured 2d city models
C Arth, C Pirchheim, J Ventura, V Lepetit
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02675, 2015
Multi projector displays using a 3d compositing window manager
M Waldner, C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg
Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on Immersive projection technologies …, 2008
Visual Programming for Hybrid User Interfaces
C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg, A Bornik
Proc 2nd International Workshop on Mixed Reality User Interfaces, 2007
[POSTER] Tracking and Mapping with a Swarm of Heterogeneous Clients
P Fleck, C Arth, C Pirchheim, D Schmalstieg
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 136-139, 2015
Visual programming of user interfaces for distributed graphics applications
C Pirchheim
na, 2006
Overcoming display boundaries for multiple view visualization
M Waldner, C Pirchheim, M Streit, D Schmalstieg
International Workshop on Giga-Pixel Displays & Visual Analytics, 10-10, 2008
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Articles 1–20