Catalin Augustin Stoica
Cited by
Cited by
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
JJ Van Bavel, A Cicjocka, V Capraro, H Sjåstad, J Nezlek, A B. Stoica, ...
Nature Communications, 1-14, 2022
From good communists to even better capitalists? Entrepreneurial pathways in post-socialist Romania
CA Stoica
East European Politics and Societies 18 (02), 236-277, 2004
Romania since 1989: politics, economics, and society
HF Carey
Lexington books, 2004
Suspicious minds in times of crisis: determinants of Romanians’ beliefs in COVID-19 conspiracy theories
CA Stoica, R Umbres
European Societies, 2020
Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries
F Azevedo, T Pavlović, GG Rźgo, FC Ay, B Gjoneska, TW Etienne, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 272, 2023
Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning
PNAS nexus 1 (3), 1-15, 2022
Migration, Location and Provision of Support to Older Parents: The Case of Romania
CAS Zachary Zimmer, Codrina Rada
Journal of Population Ageing 7 (Issue 3), pp 161-184, 2014
Once upon a time there was a big party: The social bases of the Romanian Communist Party (Part I)
CA Stoica
East European Politics and Societies 19 (04), 686-716, 2005
Romānia continuă: Schimbare și adaptare īn comunism și postcomunism
CA Stoica
Study on Domestic Violence: A Legal Medicine Perspective
C Curca, C Cartina, CA Stoica, et al
Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine 16 (3), 226-242, 2008
Romanian Youth: concerns, aspirations, attitudes and life style
D Sandu, CA Stoica, R Umbreş
Bucharest: Centre for Urban and Regional Sociology–CURS for Friedrich-Ebert …, 2014
Old habits die hard? An exploratory analysis of communist-era social ties in postcommunist Romania
CA Stoica
European Journal of Science and Theology 8 (1), 171-193, 2012
Faţetele multiple ale nemulţumirii populare: o schiţă sociologică a protestelor din Piaţa Universităţii din ianuarie 2012
CA Stoica
Sociologie Romānească 10 (01), 3-35, 2012
Re-Membering Romania
JF Ely, CA Stoica
Romania since 1989: Politics, Society, and Economy, 97-114, 2004
Tineri īn Romānia: griji, aspirații, atitudini și stil de viață
D Sandu, CA Stoica, R Umbres
București: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Disponibil la https://library. fes. de …, 2014
Iarna vrajbei noastre: protestele din Romānia, ianuarie-februarie 2012
CA Stoica, V Mihăilescu
Paideia, 2012
Communism as a Project for Modernization: the Romanian Case
CA Stoica
Polish Sociological Review, 313–331, 1997
"Our Martyrs of 1989 Did Not Die for This!”: Political Capitalism in Post-Communist Romania
CA Stoica
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2), 26, 2012
Inequity and Inequality: Teacher Absenteeism, Romani Pupils, and Primary Schools in Romania
CA Stoica, M Wamsiedel
Roma Education Fund, 2012
Tineri īn Romānia: griji, aspiraţii, atitudini şi stil de viaţă
D Sandu, CA Stoica, R Umbreş
Centrul de Sociologie Urbană şi Regională–CURS, pentru Friedrich-Ebert …, 2014
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Articles 1–20