Premal Amrishkumar Patel
Premal Amrishkumar Patel
Paediatric Interventional Radiologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children @Premal__Patel
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Interactive medical image segmentation using deep learning with image-specific fine tuning
G Wang, W Li, MA Zuluaga, R Pratt, PA Patel, M Aertsen, T Doel, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (7), 1562-1573, 2018
DeepIGeoS: a deep interactive geodesic framework for medical image segmentation
G Wang, MA Zuluaga, W Li, R Pratt, PA Patel, M Aertsen, T Doel, ...
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2018
An automated framework for localization, segmentation and super-resolution reconstruction of fetal brain MRI
M Ebner, G Wang, W Li, M Aertsen, PA Patel, R Aughwane, A Melbourne, ...
NeuroImage 206, 116324, 2020
The effect of smoking on bone healing: a systematic review
RA Patel, RF Wilson, PA Patel, RM Palmer
Bone & joint research 2 (6), 102-111, 2013
An automated localization, segmentation and reconstruction framework for fetal brain MRI
M Ebner, G Wang, W Li, M Aertsen, PA Patel, R Aughwane, A Melbourne, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2018
Systematic review of ablation techniques for the treatment of malignant or aggressive benign lesions in children
FM Gómez, PA Patel, S Stuart, DJ Roebuck
Pediatric radiology 44 (10), 1281-1289, 2014
No-touch wedge ablation technique of microwave ablation for the treatment of subcapsular tumors in the liver
PA Patel, L Ingram, IDC Wilson, DJ Breen
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 24 (8), 1257-1262, 2013
Renovascular hypertension in children
PA Patel, AM Cahill
CVIR endovascular 4 (1), 10, 2021
Endovenous laser ablation therapy in children: applications and outcomes
PA Patel, AM Barnacle, S Stuart, JG Amaral, PR John
Pediatric radiology 47 (10), 1353-1363, 2017
Validation of the Fetal Lamb Model of Spina Bifida
L Joyeux, AC Engels, J Van Der Merwe, M Aertsen, PA Patel, M Deprez, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9327, 2019
Pancreatic pseudocyst drainage in children by image-guided cystogastrostomy and stent insertion
PA Patel, C Gibson, KS Minhas, S Stuart, P De Coppi, DJ Roebuck
Pediatric radiology, 1-7, 2019
Cortical spectral matching and shape and volume analysis of the fetal brain pre-and post-fetal surgery for spina bifida: a retrospective study
N Mufti, M Aertsen, M Ebner, L Fidon, P Patel, MBA Rahman, ...
Neuroradiology 63 (10), 1721-1734, 2021
Management of fibro-adipose vascular anomalies (FAVA) in paediatric practice
C Lipede, D Nikkhah, R Ashton, G Murphy, AM Barnacle, PA Patel, ...
JPRAS open 29, 71-81, 2021
IR Approaches to Difficult Removals of Totally Implanted Venous Access Port Catheters in Children: A Single-Center Experience
PA Patel, DA Parra, R Bath, JG Amaral, MJ Temple, PR John, ...
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 27 (6), 876-881, 2016
Patient-Specific 3D Printed Models for Education, Research and Surgical Simulation
DI Nikitichev, P Patel, J Avery, LJ Robertson, TM Bucking, KY Aristovich, ...
3D Printing, 2018
Point-spread-function-aware slice-to-volume registration: application to upper abdominal MRI super-resolution
M Ebner, M Chouhan, PA Patel, D Atkinson, Z Amin, S Read, S Punwani, ...
Reconstruction, Segmentation, and Analysis of Medical Images, 3-13, 2016
Neuroprotection is improved by watertightness of fetal spina bifida repair in the sheep model
L Joyeux, J Van der Merwe, M Aertsen, PA Patel, A Khatoun, ...
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 61 (1), 81-92, 2023
Super‐resolution for upper abdominal MRI: Acquisition and post‐processing protocol optimization using brain MRI control data and expert reader validation
M Ebner, PA Patel, D Atkinson, L Caselton, L Firmin, Z Amin, A Bainbridge, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2019
Use of blood pool agents with steady‐state MRI to assess the vascular system
AS Thakor, J Chung, P Patel, A Chan, A Ahmed, G McNeil, DM Liu, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 45 (6), 1559-1572, 2017
Super-resolution reconstruction MRI application in fetal neck masses and congenital high airway obstruction syndrome
N Mufti, M Ebner, P Patel, M Aertsen, T Gaunt, PD Humphries, FE Bredaki, ...
OTO open 5 (4), 2473974X211055372, 2021
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