Eric Umuhoza, PhD
Eric Umuhoza, PhD
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University-Africa
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Cited by
Extending the interaction flow modeling language (IFML) for model driven development of mobile applications front end
M Brambilla, A Mauri, E Umuhoza
International Conference on Mobile Web and Information Systems, 176-191, 2014
Model-driven development of user interfaces for IoT systems via domain-specific components and patterns
M Brambilla, E Umuhoza, R Acerbis
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 8 (1), 14, 2017
Model driven development approaches for mobile applications: A survey
E Umuhoza, M Brambilla
International Conference on Mobile Web and Information Systems, 93-107, 2016
Automatic code generation for cross-platform, multi-device mobile apps: Some reflections from an industrial experience
E Umuhoza, H Ed-Douibi, M Brambilla, J Cabot, A Bongio
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Development …, 2015
Using unsupervised machine learning techniques for behavioral-based credit card users segmentation in Africa
E Umuhoza, D Ntirushwamaboko, J Awuah, B Birir
SAIEE Africa Research Journal 111 (3), 95-101, 2020
A big data analysis framework for model-based web user behavior analytics
C Bernaschina, M Brambilla, A Mauri, E Umuhoza
Web Engineering: 17th International Conference, ICWE 2017, Rome, Italy, June …, 2017
The design thinking of co-located vs. distributed software developers: distance strikes again!
R Jolak, A Wortmann, G Liebel, E Umuhoza, MRV Chaudron
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Global Software …, 2020
Integrating modeling languages and web logs for enhanced user behavior analytics
C Bernaschina, M Brambilla, T Koka, A Mauri, E Umuhoza
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion …, 2017
An empirical study on simplification of business process modeling languages
E Umuhoza, M Brambilla, D Ripamonti, J Cabot
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software …, 2015
Dissecting design effort and drawing effort in UML modeling
R Jolak, E Umuhoza, T Ho-Quang, MRV Chaudron, M Brambilla
2017 43rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2017
Design thinking and creativity of colocated versus globally distributed software developers
R Jolak, A Wortmann, G Liebel, E Umuhoza, MRV Chaudron
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 35 (5), e2377, 2023
Enhancing Flexibility in User Interaction Modeling by Adding Design Uncertainty to IFML
B Marco, E Romina, P Alfonso, R Gianni, U Eric
Proceedings of {MODELS} 2017 Satellite Event: Workshops (ModComp …, 2017
Raising awareness for potential sustainability effects in uganda: A survey-based empirical study
B Penzenstadler, L Duboc, R Hebig, A Dearden, B Kanagwa, ...
CEUR-WS, 2020
Domain-specific modeling and code generation for cross-platform multi-device mobile apps
E Umuhoza
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.03109, 2015
Model-driven development of user interfaces for iot systems via domain-specific components and patterns. J Internet Serv Appl. 2017; 8 (1): 14
M Brambilla, E Umuhoza, R Acerbis
Assessing Online Media Content Trustworthiness, Relevance and Influence: an Introductory Survey.
E Ciceri, R Fedorov, E Umuhoza, M Brambilla, P Fraternali
KDWeb, 29-40, 2015
IFML: Building the FrontEnd of Web and Mobile Applications with OMG’s Interaction Flow Modeling Language
M Brambilla, A Mauri, E Umuhoza
Web Engineering, 575, 2014
Domain-specific modeling and code generation for cross-platform mobile and IoT-based applications
E Umuhoza
Politecnico di Milano, 2017
Model Driven Development of Social Media Environmental Monitoring Applications
M Brambilla, A Mauri, E Umuhoza
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 10 …, 2016
Mobile Web Information Systems: 11th International Conference, MobiWIS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, August 27-29, 2014
M Brambilla, A Mauri, E Umuhoza
Proceedings, 2014
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Articles 1–20