Irfan A. Iqbal
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Cited by
Estimation of grassland biomass and nitrogen using MERIS data
S Ullah, Y Si, M Schlerf, AK Skidmore, M Shafique, IA Iqbal
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 19 …, 2012
A novel approach to estimate canopy height using ICESat/GLAS data: A case study in the New Forest National Park, UK
IA Iqbal, J Dash, S Ullah, G Ahmad
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 23 …, 2013
Alternatives to LiDAR-derived canopy height models for softwood plantations: a review and example using photogrammetry
C Stone, M Webster, J Osborn, IA Iqbal
Australian Forestry 79 (4), 271-282, 2016
A comparison of area-based forest attributes derived from airborne laser scanner, small-format and medium-format digital aerial photography
IA Iqbal, RA Musk, J Osborn, C Stone, A Lucieer
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 76 …, 2019
Accuracy assessment of digital elevation model generated from pleiades tri stereo-pair
S Nasir, IA Iqbal, Z Ali, A Shahzad
2015 7th international conference on recent advances in space technologies …, 2015
Evaluating the robustness of point clouds from small format aerial photography over a Pinus radiata plantation
IA Iqbal, J Osborn, C Stone, A Lucieer, M Dell, C McCoull
Australian Forestry, 1-15, 2018
Comparing yield estimates derived from LiDAR and aerial photogrammetric point-cloud data with cut-to-length harvester data in a Pinus radiata plantation in …
G Caccamo, IA Iqbal, J Osborn, H Bi, K Arkley, G Melville, D Aurik, ...
Australian forestry 81 (3), 131-141, 2018
A comparison of ALS and dense photogrammetric point clouds for individual tree detection in radiata pine plantations
IA Iqbal, J Osborn, C Stone, A Lucieer
Remote Sensing 13 (17), 3536, 2021
Photogrammetry for Forest Inventory: Planning Guidelines
J Osborn, M Dell, C Stone, IA Iqbal, M Lacey, A Lucieer, CJ McCoull
Evaluating the potential of ICESat/GLAS data to estimate canopy height in the New Forest National Park, UK
IA Iqbal
University of Twente, 2010
Forest Stem Extraction and Modeling (FoSEM): A LiDAR-Based Framework for Accurate Tree Stem Extraction and Modeling in Radiata Pine Plantations
M Ibrahim, H Wang, IA Iqbal, Y Miao, H Albaqami, H Blom, A Mian
Remote Sensing 17 (3), 445, 2025
An investigation into identifying wild sandalwood using aerial imagery
R van Dongen, K Zdunic, H Blom, IA Iqbal, 2020
Evaluating photogrammetric point clouds for forest inventory
IA Iqbal
University Of Tasmania, 2020
Comparing total recoverable volume estimates derived from airborne LiDAR and aerial photogrammetric point cloud data with harvester head data in a Pinus radiata plantation …
G Caccamo, IA Iqbal, J Osborn, H Bi, K Arkley, G Melville, D Aurik, ... …, 2017
Comparison of aerial photography and LiDAR point clouds over a Eucalypt plantation
M Lacey, J Osborn, IA Iqbal, M Dell, C McCoull, C Stone …, 2017
Comparison of ALS and aerial photography point cloud data in a Pinus radiata plantation (Springfield study site, NE Tasmania)
IA Iqbal, J Osborn, A Lucieer, C Stone …, 2017
Deployment and integration of cost-effective high resolution remotely sensed data for the Australian forest industry, Stone, C and Osborn, J (eds)
C Stone, J Osborn, G Caccamo, G Melville, M Bryson, IA Iqbal, A Lucieer, ...
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Articles 1–17