Pengpeng Zhang
Pengpeng Zhang
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Commissioning and quality assurance of RapidArc radiotherapy delivery system
CC Ling, P Zhang, Y Archambault, J Bocanek, G Tang, T LoSasso
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 72 (2), 575-581, 2008
Volumetric modulated arc therapy: planning and evaluation for prostate cancer cases
P Zhang, L Happersett, M Hunt, A Jackson, M Zelefsky, G Mageras
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 76 (5), 1456-1462, 2010
Tumor-aware, adversarial domain adaptation from CT to MRI for lung cancer segmentation
J Jiang, YC Hu, N Tyagi, P Zhang, A Rimner, GS Mageras, JO Deasy, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Choreographing couch and collimator in volumetric modulated arc therapy
Y Yang, P Zhang, L Happersett, J Xiong, J Yang, M Chan, K Beal, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 80 (4), 1238-1247, 2011
Optimization of collimator trajectory in volumetric modulated arc therapy: development and evaluation for paraspinal SBRT
P Zhang, L Happersett, Y Yang, Y Yamada, G Mageras, M Hunt
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 77 (2), 591-599, 2010
Evaluating inter-campus plan consistency using a knowledge based planning model
SL Berry, R Ma, A Boczkowski, A Jackson, P Zhang, M Hunt
Radiotherapy and Oncology 120 (2), 349-355, 2016
Multi-source radiation system and method for interwoven radiotherapy and imaging
US Patent 8,873,710, 2014
Acquisition of MV-scatter-free kilovoltage CBCT images during RapidArc™ or VMAT
C Ling, P Zhang, T Etmektzoglou, J Star-Lack, M Sun, E Shapiro, M Hunt
Radiotherapy and Oncology 100 (1), 145-149, 2011
Cross‐modality (CT‐MRI) prior augmented deep learning for robust lung tumor segmentation from small MR datasets
J Jiang, YC Hu, N Tyagi, P Zhang, A Rimner, JO Deasy, H Veeraraghavan
Medical physics 46 (10), 4392-4404, 2019
Review of real-time 3-dimensional image guided radiation therapy on standard-equipped cancer radiation therapy systems: are we at the tipping point for the era of real-time …
PJ Keall, DT Nguyen, R O'Brien, P Zhang, L Happersett, J Bertholet, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 102 (4), 922-931, 2018
Toward predicting the evolution of lung tumors during radiotherapy observed on a longitudinal MR imaging study via a deep learning algorithm
C Wang, A Rimner, YC Hu, N Tyagi, J Jiang, E Yorke, S Riyahi, ...
Medical physics 46 (10), 4699-4707, 2019
Quantitative ultrasonic evaluation of radiation-induced late tissue toxicity: pilot study of breast cancer radiotherapy
T Liu, J Zhou, EJ Yoshida, SA Woodhouse, PB Schiff, TJC Wang, ZF Lu, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 78 (3), 811-820, 2010
Segmenting lung tumors on longitudinal imaging studies via a patient-specific adaptive convolutional neural network
C Wang, N Tyagi, A Rimner, YC Hu, H Veeraraghavan, G Li, M Hunt, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 131, 101-107, 2019
Optimization of gamma knife treatment planning via guided evolutionary simulated annealing
P Zhang, D Dean, A Metzger, C Sibata
Medical Physics 28 (8), 1746-1752, 2001
Predictive treatment management: incorporating a predictive tumor response model into robust prospective treatment planning for non-small cell lung cancer
P Zhang, E Yorke, YC Hu, G Mageras, A Rimner, JO Deasy
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 88 (2), 446-452, 2014
Multitask 3D CBCT‐to‐CT translation and organs‐at‐risk segmentation using physics‐based data augmentation
N Dahiya, SR Alam, P Zhang, SY Zhang, T Li, A Yezzi, S Nadeem
Medical physics 48 (9), 5130-5141, 2021
Plug pattern optimization for gamma knife radiosurgery treatment planning
P Zhang, J Wu, D Dean, L Xing, J Xue, R Maciunas, C Sibata
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 55 (2), 420-427, 2003
Simultaneous MV‐kV imaging for intrafractional motion management during volumetric‐modulated arc therapy delivery
MA Hunt, M Sonnick, H Pham, R Regmi, J Xiong, D Morf, GS Mageras, ...
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 17 (2), 473-486, 2016
Fast verification of Gamma Knife™ treatment plans
P Zhang, D Dean, QJ Wu, C Sibata
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 1 (4), 158-164, 2000
Where to locate the isocenter? The treatment strategy for repeat trigeminal neuralgia radiosurgery
P Zhang, R Brisman, J Choi, X Li
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 62 (1), 38-43, 2005
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Articles 1–20