Marie Rider
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Observation of chiral edge states with neutral fermions in synthetic Hall ribbons
M Mancini, G Pagano, G Cappellini, L Livi, M Rider, J Catani, C Sias, ...
Science 349 (6255), 1510-1513, 2015
A perspective on topological nanophotonics: current status and future challenges
MS Rider, SJ Palmer, SR Pocock, X Xiao, PA Huidobro, V Giannini
Journal of Applied Physics 125, 120901 (2019), 2019
Advances and prospects in topological nanoparticle photonics
MS Rider, Á Buendía, DR Abujetas, PA Huidobro, JA Sánchez-Gil, ...
ACS photonics 9 (5), 1483-1499, 2022
Something from nothing: linking molecules with virtual light
MS Rider, WL Barnes
Contemporary Physics 62 (4), 217-232, 2021
Experimental signature of a topological quantum dot
MS Rider, M Sokolikova, SM Hanham, M Navarro-Cía, PD Haynes, ...
Nanoscale 12 (44), 22817-22825, 2020
Theory of strong coupling between molecules and surface plasmons on a grating
MS Rider, R Arul, JJ Baumberg, WL Barnes
Nanophotonics 11 (16), 3695-3708, 2022
Raman-probing the local ultrastrong coupling of vibrational plasmon-polaritons on metallic gratings
R Arul, K Menghrajani, MS Rider, R Chikkaraddy, WL Barnes, ...
Physical Review Letters 131 (12), 126902, 2023
Proposal for THz lasing from a topological quantum dot
M Rider, V Giannini
Nanophotonics 10 (13), 3497-3506, 2021
Long-range molecular energy transfer mediated by strong coupling to plasmonic topological edge states
Á Buendía, JA Sánchez-Gil, V Giannini, WL Barnes, MS Rider
Nanophotonics 13 (25), 4555-4568, 2024
Topological light-matter interactions at the nanoscale: controlling THz frequency light with topological insulator nanostructures
M Rider
Imperial College London, 2021
Strong coupling in molecular systems: a simple predictor employing routine optical measurements
MS Rider, EC Johnson, D Bates, WP Wardley, RH Gordon, RDJ Oliver, ...
Nanophotonics 13 (14), 2453-2467, 2024
Long-range molecular energy transfer mediated by strong coupling to plasmonic topological edge states (dataset)
Á Buendía, V Giannini, JA Sánchez-Gil, WL Barnes, MS Rider
Strong coupling in molecular systems: a simple predictor employing routine optical measurements (dataset)
M Rider, E Johnson, D Bates, W Wardley, R Gordon, R Oliver, S Armes, ...
University of Exeter, 2024
Nanophotonics: Long-range molecular energy transfer mediated by strong coupling to plasmonic topological edge states
Á Buendía, JA Sánchez-Gil, V Giannini, WL Barnes, MS Rider
de Gruyter, 2024
Research data supporting" Raman-probing the local ultrastrong coupling of vibrational plasmon-polaritons on metallic gratings"
R Arul, K Menghrajani, MS Rider, R Chikkaraddy, WL Barnes, ...
Theory of strong coupling between molecules and surface plasmons on a grating (dataset)
M Rider, R Arul, J Baumberg, W Barnes
University of Exeter, 2022
Something from nothing: Linking molecules with virtual light (dataset)
M Rider, W Barnes
University of Exeter, 2022
Synthetic physics at the edge
M Mancini, G Pagano, G Cappellini, L Livi, M Rider, J Catani, C Sias, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02495, 2015
Topological light-matter interactions at the nanoscale
M Rider
Strong coupling between molecules and topological edge states of arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles
MÁ Buendía, V Giannini, JA Sánchez-Gil, M Rider
Diffractive structures supporting long-range surface plasmons for label-free …, 0
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