Anna-Sophie Ulfert
Anna-Sophie Ulfert
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Cited by
Assessing digital self-efficacy: Review and scale development
AS Ulfert-Blank, I Schmidt
Computers & Education 191, 104626, 2022
The role of agent autonomy in using decision support systems at work
AS Ulfert, CH Antoni, T Ellwart
Computers in Human Behavior 126, 106987, 2022
Shaping a multidisciplinary understanding of team trust in human-AI teams: a theoretical framework
AS Ulfert, E Georganta, C Centeio Jorge, S Mehrotra, M Tielman
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2), 158-171, 2024
Digital competences in the workplace: Theory, terminology, and training
H Peiffer, I Schmidt, T Ellwart, AS Ulfert
Vocational education and training in the age of digitization: Challenges and …, 2020
„Online-Assessments “und „Self-Assessments “in der Eignungsdiagnostik
M Ott, AS Ulfert, M Kersting
Personalauswahl: Die wichtigsten diagnostischen Verfahren für das Human …, 2017
A Model of Team Trust in Human-Agent Teams
AS Ulfert, E Georganta
Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal …, 2020
Intentional forgetting in socio-digital work systems: system characteristics and user-related psychological consequences on emotion, cognition, and behavior
T Ellwart, AS Ulfert, CH Antoni, J Becker, C Frings, K Göbel, G Hertel, ...
AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems 4 (1), 2019
Towards multiagent-based simulation of knowledge management in teams
IJ Timm, JO Berndt, L Reuter, T Ellwart, CH Antoni, AS Ulfert
9te Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement (Professional Knowledge …, 2017
Effekte von Priming auf Selbstwirksamkeit und Zielsetzung
AS Ulfert
Dissertation, Gießen, Justus-Liebig-Universität, 2016, 2016
Virtual work communication during a pandemic—The moderating effect of technology expertise on technology overload
AS Ulfert, D Probst, S Scherer
PubPub 3 (2: Summer 2022), 2022
My colleague is an AI! Trust differences between AI and human teammates
E Georganta, AS Ulfert
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 30 (1/2), 23-37, 2024
Studieneignung für spezifische Studienfächer–welche Rolle spielt die Auswahl der Anforderungsanalysemethode bei der Identifizierung erfolgsrelevanter Eigenschaften
C Thunsdorff, L Michaelis, S Weiss, M Kersting, M Schmitt, AS Ulfert
Das Hochschulwesen 63 (3), 4, 2015
AI-Teaming: Redefining Collaboration in the Digital Era
JB Schmutz, N Outland, S Kerstan, E Georganta, AS Ulfert
Current Opinion in Psychology, 101837, 2024
How emerging technologies shape the future of work
P Le Blanc, AS Ulfert, M Peeters, S Rispens, S Scherer
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2), 115-119, 2024
Would you trust an AI team member? Team trust in human–AI teams
E Georganta, AS Ulfert
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2024
Are we ahead of the trend or just following? The role of work and organizational psychology in shaping emerging technologies at work
AS Ulfert, P Le Blanc, V González-Romá, G Grote, M Langer
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 33 (2), 120-129, 2024
Intentional Forgetting in Distributed Artificial Intelligence
L Reuter, JO Berndt, AS Ulfert, CH Antoni, T Ellwart, IJ Timm
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 33 (1), 69-77, 2019
Analyzing the Effects of Role Configuration in Logistics Processes using Multiagent-Based Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Approach
I Timm, L Reuter, JO Berndt, AS Ulfert, T Ellwart, C Antoni
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
An Integrative Model of Expertise when Introducing Advanced Digital Systems at Work
AS Ulfert, S Scherer
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 21442, 2020
Piecing Together the Puzzle: Understanding Trust in Human-AI Teams
AS Ulfert-Blank, E Georganta, M Tielman, T Oron-Gilad
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3456, 169-174, 2023
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Articles 1–20