António Abreu
António Abreu
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Maturity models of healthcare information systems and technologies: a literature review
JV Carvalho, Á Rocha, A Abreu
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-10, 2016
A Maturity model for hospital information systems
JV Carvalho, Á Rocha, R van de Wetering, A Abreu
Journal of Business Research 94, 388-399, 2019
A health data analytics maturity model for hospitals information systems
JV Carvalho, Á Rocha, J Vasconcelos, A Abreu
International Journal of Information Management 46, 278-285, 2019
Caderneta Eletrónica no Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem: Visão de Professores e Pais de alunos do ensino Básico e Secundário
A Abreu, Á Rocha, MP Cota
RISTI-Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 108-128, 2015
Maturity assessment methodology for HISMM-hospital information system maturity model
JV Carvalho, Á Rocha, A Abreu
Journal of medical systems 43 (2), 35, 2019
Generation Y: the competitiveness of the tourism sector based on digital technology
P Liberato, D Liberato, A Abreu, E Alén-González, Á Rocha
Information Technology Science, 227-240, 2018
How machine learning (ml) is transforming higher education: A systematic literature review
AS Pinto, A Abreu, E Costa, J Paiva
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 8 (2), 2023
Augmented reality for a new reality: using UTAUT-3 to assess the adoption of mobile augmented reality in tourism (MART)
AS Pinto, A Abreu, E Costa, J Paiva
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 7 (2), 14550, 2022
The electronic booklet on teaching-learning process: Teacher vision and parents of students in primary and secondary education
A Abreu, Á Rocha, JV de Carvalho, MP Cota
Telematics and Informatics 34 (6), 861-877, 2017
Maturity of hospital information systems: Most important influencing factors
J Vidal Carvalho, Á Rocha, A Abreu
Health informatics journal 25 (3), 617-631, 2019
Web accessibility in the tourism sector: An analysis of the most used websites in Portugal
MJA Gonçalves, AP Camarinha, AJ Abreu, S Teixeira, AF da Silva
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems: Proceedings of ICOTTS …, 2020
The use of moodle in higher education evolution of teacher's practices over time
S Rodrigues, Á Rocha, A Abreu
2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2017
Towards a maturity model for clinical decision support operations
EW Orenstein, N Muthu, AO Weitkamp, DF Ferro, MD Zeidlhack, J Slagle, ...
Applied Clinical Informatics 10 (05), 810-819, 2019
The information technologies in the competitiveness of the tourism sector
P Liberato, D Liberato, A Abreu, E Alén-González, Á Rocha
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology …, 2018
HISMM-hospital information system maturity model: a synthesis
JV Carvalho, Á Rocha, A Abreu
Trends and Applications in Software Engineering: Proceedings of CIMPS 2016 5 …, 2017
Infoaccessibility on the websites of inbound markets of Portugal destination
I Borges, F Silva, E Costa, AS Pinto, A Abreu
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems: Proceedings of ICOTTS …, 2019
LGBT tourism: The competitiveness of the tourism destinations based on digital technology
P Liberato, D Liberato, A Abreu, E Alén, Á Rocha
Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 1 6, 264-276, 2018
Perceptions of teachers and guardians on the electronic record in the school-family communication
A Abreu, Á Rocha, MP Cota
Open and Big Data Management and Innovation: 14th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on …, 2015
An analysis of the most used websites in Portugal regarding accessibility web in the tourism sector
MJA Gonçalves, AP Camarinha, AJ Abreu, SF Teixeira, AF da Silva
International Journal of Information Systems and Tourism (IJIST) 5 (1), 19-28, 2021
A content analysis of social media in tourism during the Covid-19 pandemic
AP Camarinha, AJ Abreu, MJ Angélico, AF da Silva, S Teixeira
International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems, 532-546, 2020
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