Marco Lisi
Marco Lisi
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U-turn: the Portuguese radical left from marginality to government support
M Lisi
Crisis Elections, New Contenders and Government Formation, 159-178, 2018
‘Zippin’up my boots, goin’back to my roots’: radical left parties in southern Europe
M Tsakatika, L Marco
Transformations of the Radical Left in Southern Europe, 1-19, 2020
Economic crisis and the variety of populist response: evidence from Greece, Portugal and Spain
M Lisi, I Llamazares, M Tsakatika
Varieties of Populism in Europe in Times of Crises, 144-169, 2021
Political representation in bailed-out Southern Europe: Greece and Portugal compared
A Freire, M Lisi, I Andreadis, JML Viegas
Political Representation in Times of Bailout, 1-21, 2017
Os partidos políticos em Portugal: continuidade e transformação
M Lisi
Almedina, 2011
Party change, recent democracies, and Portugal: Comparative perspectives
M Lisi
Lexington books, 2015
The professionalization of campaigns in recent democracies: The Portuguese case
M Lisi
European Journal of Communication 28 (3), 259-276, 2013
Rediscovering civil society? Renewal and continuity in the Portuguese radical left
M Lisi
Transformations of the Radical Left in Southern Europe, 21-39, 2020
New politics in Portugal: the rise and success of the Left Bloc
M Lisi
Pôle Sud, 127-144, 2009
The democratisation of party leadership selection: The Portuguese experience
M Lisi
Portuguese Journal of Social Science 9 (2), 127-149, 2010
Populism, blame shifting and the crisis: discourse strategies in Portuguese political parties
M Lisi, E Borghetto
South European Society and Politics 23 (4), 405-427, 2018
Political representation in times of bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal
A Freire, M Lisi, I Andreadis, JM Viegas
Routledge, 2017
A arte de ser indispensável: Líder e organização no Partido Socialista Português
M Lisi
Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2009
Out of sight, out of mind? External voting and the political representation of Portuguese emigrants
M Lisi, AM Belchior, M Abrantes, J Azevedo
South European Society and Politics 20 (2), 265-285, 2015
Democratising party leadership selection in Spain and Portugal
O Barberà, M Lisi, JR Teruel
Party Primaries in Comparative Perspective, 59-84, 2016
The impact of leaders in parliamentary and presidential regimes
J Curtice, M Lisi
Personality politics, 63-86, 2015
The renewal of the socialist majority: The 2009 Portuguese legislative elections
M Lisi
West European Politics 33 (2), 381-388, 2010
Party system renewal or business as usual? Continuity and change in post-bailout Portugal
M Lisi, ER Sanches, J dos Santos Maia
The Exceptional Case of Post-Bailout Portugal, 53-77, 2021
Party system change, the European crisis and the state of democracy
M Lisi
Routledge, 2019
Mapping the political landscape: a vote advice application in Portugal
M Costa Lobo, MP Vink, M Lisi
Voting Advice Applications in Europe: The state of the art, 139-166, 2010
O sistema não pode efectuar a operação agora. Tente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20