Marc Ivaldi
Marc Ivaldi
Professor of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics
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The economics of tacit collusion
M Ivaldi, B Jullien, P Rey, P Seabright, J Tirole
IDEI Working Paper, 2003
Quantifying the effects from horizontal mergers in European competition policy
M Ivaldi, F Verboven
International Journal of Industrial Organization 23 (9-10), 669-691, 2005
Incentive regulatory policies: the case of public transit systems in France
P Gagnepain, M Ivaldi
RAND Journal of Economics, 605-629, 2002
Railway (de) regulation: a European efficiency comparison
G Friebel, M Ivaldi, C Vibes
Economica 77 (305), 77-91, 2010
Risk sharing in licensing
A Bousquet, H Cremer, M Ivaldi, M Wolkowicz
International Journal of Industrial Organization 16 (5), 535-554, 1998
Density and integration effects on Class I US freight railroads
M Ivaldi, GJ Mc Cullough
Journal of Regulatory economics 19 (2), 161-182, 2001
Competition under nonlinear pricing
M Ivaldi, D Martimort
Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 71-114, 1994
Study on the economic and technical evolution of the scientific publication markets in Europe
M Dewatripont, V Ginsburgh, P Legros, A Walckiers, JP Devroey, ...
ULB Institutional Repository, 2006
The cost of contract renegotiation: Evidence from the local public sector
P Gagnepain, M Ivaldi, D Martimort
American Economic Review 103 (6), 2352-2383, 2013
Subadditivity tests for network separation with an application to US railroads
M Ivaldi, G McCullough
Review of Network Economics 7 (1), 2008
Real‐time pricing of electricity for residential customers: Econometric analysis of an experiment
C Aubin, D Fougere, E Husson, M Ivaldi
Journal of Applied Econometrics 10 (S1), S171-S191, 1995
The economics of unilateral effects
M Ivaldi, B Jullien, P Rey, P Seabright, J Tirole
IDEI Working Paper, 2003
Price competition in the intercity passenger transport market: a simulation model
M Ivaldi, C Vibes
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 42 (2), 225-254, 2008
Stochastic frontiers and asymmetric information models
P Gagnepain, M Ivaldi
Journal of Productivity Analysis 18, 145-159, 2002
The economics of tacit collusion: implications for merger control
M Ivaldi, B Jullien, P Rey, P Seabright, J Tirole
Contributions to Economic Analysis 282, 217-239, 2007
The economics of passenger rail transport: A survey
M Ivaldi, P Seabright
IDEI working paper, 2003
Rent extraction and incentives for efficiency in recent regulatory proposals
F Gasmi, M Ivaldi, JJ Laffont
Journal of Regulatory Economics 6, 151-176, 1994
Branching and competition in the European banking industry
V Cerasi, B Chizzolini, M Ivaldi
Applied Economics 34 (17), 2213-2225, 2002
Comparing Fourier and translog specifications of multiproduct technology: Evidence from an incomplete panel of French farmers
M Ivaldi, N Ladoux, H Ossard, M Simioni
Journal of applied econometrics 11 (6), 649-667, 1996
Telecommunications demand and pricing structure: An econometric analysis
M Aldebert, M Ivaldi, C Roucolle
Telecommunication Systems 25, 89-115, 2004
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Articles 1–20