Alan Blair
Cited by
Cited by
Co-evolution in the successful learning of backgammon strategy
JB Pollack, AD Blair
Machine learning 32, 225-240, 1998
Coevolution of a backgammon player
JB Pollack, AD Blair, M Land
Artificial Life V: Proc. of the Fifth Int. Workshop on the Synthesis and …, 1997
Retrieval augmented classification for long-tail visual recognition
A Long, W Yin, T Ajanthan, V Nguyen, P Purkait, R Garg, A Blair, C Shen, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Bootstrapping from game tree search
J Veness, D Silver, A Blair, W Uther
Advances in neural information processing systems 22, 2009
Why did td-gammon work?
J Pollack, A Blair
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, 1996
Analysis of dynamical recognizers
AD Blair, JB Pollack
Neural Computation 9 (5), 1127-1142, 1997
A structure preserving crossover in grammatical evolution
R Harper, A Blair
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 3, 2537-2544, 2005
Incremental training of first order recurrent neural networks to predict a context-sensitive language
SK Chalup, AD Blair
Neural Networks 16 (7), 955-972, 2003
Dynamically defined functions in grammatical evolution
R Harper, A Blair
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2638-2645, 2006
Learning to predict a context-free language: Analysis of dynamics in recurrent hidden units
M Bodén, J Wiles, B Tonkes, A Blair
1999 Ninth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 99 …, 1999
AI surpasses humans at six-player poker
A Blair, A Saffidine
Science 365 (6456), 864-865, 2019
Training intelligent agents using human internet data
E Sklar, AD Blair, P Funes, J Pollack
Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent …, 1999
Towards an efficient optimal trajectory planner for multiple mobile robots
J Thomas, A Blair, N Barnes
Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2003
Co-evolution, determinism and robustness
AD Blair, E Sklar, P Funes
Simulated Evolution and Learning: Second Asia-Pacific Conference on …, 1999
Adelic path space integrals
AD Blair
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 7 (01), 21-49, 1995
Inductive bias in context-free language learning
B Tonkes, A Blair, J Wiles
Proceedings of the ninth Australian conference on neural networks, 52-56, 1998
PhishSim: aiding phishing website detection with a feature-free tool
RW Purwanto, A Pal, A Blair, S Jha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 17, 1497-1512, 2022
Evolving plastic neural networks for online learning: review and future directions
OJ Coleman, AD Blair
AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Australasian Joint …, 2012
A self-selecting crossover operator
R Harper, A Blair
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 1420-1427, 2006
Learning the dynamics of embedded clauses
M Bodén, A Blair
Applied Intelligence 19, 51-63, 2003
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Articles 1–20