Sandip Das
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Cited by
Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks in the t-tau channel in proton-proton collisions at sqrt (s)= 8 TeV
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.09049, 2015
Channel routing in Manhattan-diagonal model
S Das, B Bhattacharya
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on VLSI Design, 43-48, 1996
Efficient algorithm for placing a given number of base stations to cover a convex region
GK Das, S Das, SC Nandy, BP Sinha
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 66 (11), 1353-1358, 2006
Routing of L-shaped channels, switchboxes and staircases in manhattan-diagonal model
S Das, S Sur-Kolay, BB Bhattacharya
Proceedings Eleventh International Conference on VLSI Design, 65-70, 1998
Fingerprint minutiae matching using scoring techniques
T Acharya, BB Bhattacharya, A Biswas, P Bhowmick, A Bishnu, S Das, ...
US Patent 7,359,532, 2008
Genetic variability, character association and path analysis in Jatropha curcas
S Das, RC Misra, AK Mahapatra, BP Gantayat, RK Pattnaik
World Applied Sciences Journal 8 (11), 1304-1308, 2010
Voronoi game on graphs
S Bandyapadhyay, A Banik, S Das, H Sarkar
Theoretical Computer Science 562, 270-282, 2015
Smallest color-spanning object revisited
S Das, PP Goswami, SC Nandy
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 19 (05), 457-478, 2009
Largest empty rectangle among a point set
J Chaudhuri, SC Nandy, S Das
Journal of algorithms 46 (1), 54-78, 2003
Simple algorithms for partial point set pattern matching under rigid motion
A Bishnu, S Das, SC Nandy, BB Bhattacharya
Pattern Recognition 39 (9), 1662-1671, 2006
A lower bound technique for radio k-coloring
S Das, SC Ghosh, S Nandi, S Sen
Discrete Mathematics 340 (5), 855-861, 2017
Synthesis of symmetric functions for path-delay fault testability
S Chakrabarti, S Das, DK Das, BB Bhattacharya
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2000
Smallest k-point enclosing rectangle and square of arbitrary orientation
S Das, PP Goswami, SC Nandy
Information Processing Letters 94 (6), 259-266, 2005
Minimum-width rectangular annulus
J Mukherjee, PRS Mahapatra, A Karmakar, S Das
Theoretical Computer Science 508, 74-80, 2013
Some variations on constrained minimum enclosing circle problem
A Karmakar, S Das, SC Nandy, BK Bhattacharya
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 25, 176-190, 2013
A rational preparation strategy of phase tuned MoO3 nanostructures for high-performance all-solid asymmetric supercapacitor
M Kundu, D Mondal, I Mondal, A Baral, P Halder, S Biswas, BK Paul, ...
Journal of Energy Chemistry 87, 192-206, 2023
Optimal strategies for the one-round discrete Voronoi game on a line
A Banik, BB Bhattacharya, S Das
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 26 (4), 655-669, 2013
Burning spiders
S Das, SR Dev, A Sadhukhan, UK Sahoo, S Sen
Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155-163, 2018
Fast FPGA placement using space-filling curve
P Banerjee, S Bhattacharjee, S Sur-Kolay, S Das, SC Nandy
International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 2005 …, 2005
An efficient k nearest neighbors searching algorithm for a query line
SC Nandy, S Das, PP Goswami
Theoretical computer science 299 (1-3), 273-288, 2003
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Articles 1–20