Juan Manuel Gorriz
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Cited by
Ensembles of deep learning architectures for the early diagnosis of the Alzheimer’s disease
A Ortiz, J Munilla, JM Gorriz, J Ramirez
International journal of neural systems 26 (07), 1650025, 2016
Voice activity detection. fundamentals and speech recognition system robustness
J Ramirez, JM Górriz, JC Segura
Robust speech recognition and understanding 6 (9), 1-22, 2007
Advances in multimodal data fusion in neuroimaging: overview, challenges, and novel orientation
YD Zhang, Z Dong, SH Wang, X Yu, X Yao, Q Zhou, H Hu, M Li, ...
Information Fusion 64, 149-187, 2020
Covid-19 classification by FGCNet with deep feature fusion from graph convolutional network and convolutional neural network
SH Wang, VV Govindaraj, JM Górriz, X Zhang, YD Zhang
Information Fusion 67, 208-229, 2021
Improved breast cancer classification through combining graph convolutional network and convolutional neural network
YD Zhang, SC Satapathy, DS Guttery, JM Górriz, SH Wang
Information Processing & Management 58 (2), 102439, 2021
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer׳ s disease based on partial least squares, principal component analysis and support vector machine using segmented MRI images
L Khedher, J Ramírez, JM Górriz, A Brahim, F Segovia, ...
Neurocomputing 151, 139-150, 2015
Artificial intelligence within the interplay between natural and artificial computation: Advances in data science, trends and applications
JM Górriz, J Ramírez, A Ortiz, FJ Martinez-Murcia, F Segovia, J Suckling, ...
Neurocomputing 410, 237-270, 2020
Automated detection and forecasting of covid-19 using deep learning techniques: A review
A Shoeibi, M Khodatars, M Jafari, N Ghassemi, D Sadeghi, P Moridian, ...
Neurocomputing, 127317, 2024
Deep learning in food category recognition
Y Zhang, L Deng, H Zhu, W Wang, Z Ren, Q Zhou, S Lu, S Sun, Z Zhu, ...
Information Fusion 98, 101859, 2023
Brain connectivity analysis: a short survey
EW Lang, AM Tomé, IR Keck, JM Górriz-Sáez, CG Puntonet
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2012 (1), 412512, 2012
Computer-aided diagnosis of Alzheimer’s type dementia combining support vector machines and discriminant set of features
J Ramírez, JM Górriz, D Salas-Gonzalez, A Romero, M López, I Álvarez, ...
Information Sciences 237, 59-72, 2013
NMF-SVM based CAD tool applied to functional brain images for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
P Padilla, M López, JM Górriz, J Ramirez, D Salas-Gonzalez, I Alvarez
IEEE Transactions on medical imaging 31 (2), 207-216, 2011
Studying the manifold structure of Alzheimer's disease: a deep learning approach using convolutional autoencoders
FJ Martinez-Murcia, A Ortiz, JM Gorriz, J Ramirez, D Castillo-Barnes
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (1), 17-26, 2019
Principal component analysis-based techniques and supervised classification schemes for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease
M López, J Ramírez, JM Górriz, I Álvarez, D Salas-Gonzalez, F Segovia, ...
Neurocomputing 74 (8), 1260-1271, 2011
Advances in data preprocessing for biomedical data fusion: An overview of the methods, challenges, and prospects
S Wang, ME Celebi, YD Zhang, X Yu, S Lu, X Yao, Q Zhou, MG Miguel, ...
Information Fusion 76, 376-421, 2021
18F-FDG PET imaging analysis for computer aided Alzheimer’s diagnosis
IA Illán, JM Górriz, J Ramírez, D Salas-Gonzalez, MM López, F Segovia, ...
Information Sciences 181 (4), 903-916, 2011
Applications of deep learning techniques for automated multiple sclerosis detection using magnetic resonance imaging: A review
A Shoeibi, M Khodatars, M Jafari, P Moridian, M Rezaei, R Alizadehsani, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 136, 104697, 2021
SVM-based computer-aided diagnosis of the Alzheimer's disease using t-test NMSE feature selection with feature correlation weighting
R Chaves, J Ramírez, JM Górriz, M López, D Salas-Gonzalez, I Alvarez, ...
Neuroscience letters 461 (3), 293-297, 2009
Multivariate approach for Alzheimer’s disease detection using stationary wavelet entropy and predator-prey particle swarm optimization
Y Zhang, S Wang, Y Sui, M Yang, B Liu, H Cheng, J Sun, W Jia, P Phillips, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 65 (3), 855-869, 2018
An overview of artificial intelligence techniques for diagnosis of Schizophrenia based on magnetic resonance imaging modalities: Methods, challenges, and future works
D Sadeghi, A Shoeibi, N Ghassemi, P Moridian, A Khadem, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 146, 105554, 2022
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