Rita Oliveira
Cited by
Cited by
Promoting Interactive Television (iTV) Accessibility: an adapted service for users with visual impairments
R Oliveira, JF de Abreu, AM Almeida
Universal Access in the Information Society 16 (3), 533-544, 2017
Notification mechanisms in second-screen scenarios towards a balanced user experience
P Almeida, J Abreu, T Silva, L Duro, M Aresta, R Oliveira
2015 7th international conference on intelligent technologies for …, 2015
Audio Description in Interactive Television (iTV): Proposal of a Collaborative and Voluntary Approach
R Oliveira, JF de Abreu, AM Almeida
Procedia Computer Science 100, 935-940, 2016
Promoting IPTV Accessibility for Visually Impaired Users: Implementation of an Adapted Service
R Oliveira, JF Abreu, AM Almeida
Procedia Computer Science 27, 113-122, 2014
Discovering TV Contents in a Second Screen App: Perspectives from Portuguese and Brazilian Markets
J Abreu, P Almeida, T Silva, R Oliveira
Procedia Computer Science 64, 1240-1247, 2015
TV Interaction as a Non-Invasive Sensor for Monitoring Elderly Well-Being at Home
J Abreu, R Oliveira, A Garcia-Crespo, R Rodriguez-Goncalves
Sensors 21 (20), 6897, 2021
An approach to identify requirements for an iTV audio description service
R Oliveira, J Ferraz de Abreu, AM Almeida
Proceedings of the 9th international interactive conference on Interactive …, 2011
Acessibilidade na Web 2.0: criação de uma interface de apoio à leitura de tag clouds por utilizadores com deficiência visual
RAS Oliveira
Universidade de Aveiro, 2009
Jogos Electrónicos–Distúrbios Psicológicos no Indivíduo
R Oliveira, AI Veloso
ZON Digital Games 2008, 153-154, 2008
Smartly: A TV Companion App to Deliver Discount Coupons
T Silva, P Almeida, B Cardoso, R Oliveira, A Cunha, C Ribeiro
Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV, 53-66, 2019
Accessibility Solutions for Visually Impaired Persons: A Digital Platform Conceptualization
R Oliveira, A Prata, JC Miranda, JF de Abreu, AM Almeida
Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Entrepreneurship …, 2021
IOM4TV: An AT-Based Solution for People with Motor Disabilities Supported in iTV
R Cardoso, A Rodrigues, M Coelho, T Tavares, R Oliveira, T Silva
Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV, 99-114, 2018
Inclusive approaches for audiovisual translation production in Interactive Television (iTV)
R Oliveira, JF de Abreu, M Almeida, B Cardoso
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Development and …, 2016
Automatic identification in accessible iTV services: proposal of an IPTV interface
R Oliveira, T Silva, JF de Abreu, M Almeida
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Development and …, 2016
Audiovisual translation models for visually impaired users of Interactive Television (iTV)
R Oliveira, JF de Abreu, AM Almeida
Procedia Computer Science 196, 647-654, 2022
Promoting Accessibility for Visually Impaired Users through Formative Audiovisual Content
FT Rocha Lourenço, RAS Oliveira, JTF De Abreu
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Development and …, 2022
Improving a Software Framework from an Assistive Technology Application for iTV
R Cardoso, A Rodrigues, V da Costa, T Silva, R Oliveira, T Tavares
Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV, 31-49, 2019
A video engine supported by social buzz to automatically create TV summaries
P Almeida, JF de Abreu, R Oliveira, D Gomes
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77 (18), 24313-24331, 2018
Audio Description of Television Programs: A Voluntary Production Approach
R Oliveira, JF de Abreu, AM Almeida
Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV …, 2017
Involving visually impaired viewers in the design of accessible solutions for audiovisual translation
R Oliveira, J Abreu, M Almeida
Proceedings of JAUTI, 34-46, 2017
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Articles 1–20