Pedro Silva Girão
Pedro Silva Girão
DEEC/IST/University of Lisbon and Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT)
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Instrument engineers' handbook, volume two: Process control and optimization
BG Liptak, MJ Piovoso, FG Shinskey, H Eren, GK Totherow, JE Jamison, ...
CRC press, 2018
Smart sensors network for air quality monitoring applications
OA Postolache, JMD Pereira, PMBS Girao
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 58 (9), 3253-3262, 2009
Tactile sensors for robotic applications
PS Girão, PMP Ramos, O Postolache, JMD Pereira
Measurement 46 (3), 1257-1271, 2013
Theory and developments in an unobtrusive cardiovascular system representation: ballistocardiography
E Pinheiro, O Postolache, P Girão
The open biomedical engineering journal 4, 201, 2010
Cross-correlation and sine-fitting techniques for high-resolution ultrasonic ranging
R Queiros, FC Alegria, PS Girao, ACC Serra
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 59 (12), 3227-3236, 2010
Physiological parameters measurement based on wheelchair embedded sensors and advanced signal processing
OA Postolache, PMBS Girao, J Mendes, EC Pinheiro, G Postolache
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement 59 (10), 2564-2574, 2010
Fitting transducer characteristics to measured data
JMD Pereira, PMBS Girao, O Postolache
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 4 (4), 26-39, 2002
An overview and a contribution to the optical measurement of linear displacement
PMBS Girao, OA Postolache, JAB Faria, JMCD Pereira
IEEE sensors journal 1 (4), 322-331, 2001
Enabling telecare assessment with pervasive sensing and Android OS smartphone
O Postolache, PS Girão, M Ribeiro, M Guerra, J Pincho, F Santiago, ...
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2011
Wireless sensor network‐based solution for environmental monitoring: water quality assessment case study
O Postolache, JD Pereira, P Silva Girão
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 8 (6), 610-616, 2014
An FFT-based method to evaluate and compensate gain and offset errors of interleaved ADC systems
JMD Pereira, PMBS Girão, AMC Serra
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 53 (2), 423-430, 2004
Microwave FMCW Doppler radar implementation for in-house pervasive health care system
O Postolache, PS Girão, RN Madeira, G Postolache
2010 IEEE international workshop on medical measurements and applications, 47-52, 2010
Pedro MB Silva Gir? o, J. Miguel Dias Pereira, and Helena Maria Geirinhas Ramos. Self-Organizing Maps Application in a Remote Water Quality Monitoring System
OA Postolache
IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement 54 (1), 322-329, 2005
Pulse arrival time and ballistocardiogram application to blood pressure variability estimation
E Pinheiro, O Postolache, P Girao
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2009
Vital signs monitoring system based on EMFi sensors and wavelet analysis
O Postolache, PS Girao, G Postolache, M Pereira
2007 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2007, 1-4, 2007
Unobstrusive heart rate and respiratory rate monitor embedded on a wheelchair
O Postolache, PS Girao, J Mendes, G Postolache
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications, 83-88, 2009
Empirical mode decomposition and principal component analysis implementation in processing non-invasive cardiovascular signals
E Pinheiro, O Postolache, P Girão
Measurement 45 (2), 175-181, 2012
Multibeam optical system and neural processing for turbidity measurement
OA Postolache, PMBS Girao, JMD Pereira, HMG Ramos
IEEE Sensors Journal 7 (5), 677-684, 2007
Smart walker for pervasive healthcare
O Postolache, P Girao, JMD Pereira, J Pincho, C Moura, G Postolache
2011 Fifth International Conference on Sensing Technology, 482-487, 2011
A temperature-compensated system for magnetic field measurements based on artificial neural networks
JMD Pereira, O Postolache, PMBS Girao
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 47 (2), 494-498, 1998
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Artigos 1–20