Balihar Sanghera
Balihar Sanghera
Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Kent
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Ethnic minority enterprise in its urban context: South Asian restuarants in Birmingham
M Ram, T Jones, T Abbas, B Sanghera
International journal of urban and regional research 26 (1), 24-40, 2002
Ethnic minority business in comparative perspective: The case of the independent restaurant sector
M Ram, B Sanghera, T Abbas, G Barlow, T Jones
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 26 (3), 495-510, 2000
‘Apprentice entrepreneurs’? ethnic minority workers in the independent restaurant sector
M Ram, T Abbas, B Sanghera, G Barlow, T Jones
Work, Employment and Society 15 (2), 353-372, 2001
“Currying favour with the locals”: Balti owners and business enclaves
M Ram, T Abbas, B Sanghera, G Hillin
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 6 (1), 41-55, 2000
Ethics of property, illegal settlements and the right to subsistence
B Sanghera, E Satybaldieva
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 32 (1/2), 96-114, 2012
Training and ethnic minority firms: The case of the independent restaurant sector
M Ram, B Sanghera, T Abbas, G Barlow
Education+ Training 42 (4/5), 334-341, 2000
Charitable giving and lay morality: Understanding sympathy, moral evaluations and social positions
B Sanghera
The Sociological Review 64 (2), 294-311, 2016
Rentier Capitalism and Its Discontents
B Sanghera, E Satybaldieva
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Everyday morality in families and a critique of social capital: an investigation into moral judgements, responsibilities, and sentiments in Kyrgyzstani households
B Sanghera, M Ablezova, A Botoeva
Theory and Society 40, 167-190, 2011
Illegal settlements and city registration in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: Implications for legal empowerment, politics and ethnic tensions
B Sanghera, E Satybaldieva, A Rodionov, S Serikzhanova, N Choibekov, ...
Open Society Foundations, 2012
Moral sentiments and economic practices in Kyrgyzstan: the internal embeddedness of a moral economy
B Sanghera, E Satybaldieva
Cambridge Journal of Economics 33 (5), 921-935, 2009
Moral sentiments and professionalism in post-soviet Kyrgyzstan: understanding professional practices and ethics
B Sanghera, A Iliasov
International Sociology 23 (3), 447-467, 2008
Microbusiness, household and class dynamics: the embedding of minority ethnic petty commerce
B Sanghera
The Sociological Review 50 (2), 241-257, 2002
The other road to serfdom: The rise of the rentier class in post-Soviet economies
B Sanghera, E Satybaldieva
Social Science Information 59 (3), 505-536, 2020
Understanding the moral economy of post‐Soviet societies: an investigation into moral sentiments and material interests in Kyrgyzstan
B Sanghera, A Ilyasov, E Satybaldieva
International Social Science Journal 58 (190), 715-727, 2006
The social embeddedness of professions in Kyrgyzstan: an investigation into professionalism, institutions and emotions
B Sanghera, A Ilyasov
Europe-Asia Studies 60 (4), 643-661, 2008
Selling debt: Interrogating the moral claims of the financial elites in Central Asia
B Sanghera, E Satybaldieva
Capital & Class 45 (3), 347-370, 2021
Charitable giving and reflexive individuals: How personal reflexivity mediates between structure and agency
B Sanghera
Social Science Information 56 (1), 28-48, 2017
Social justice, liberalism and philanthropy: the tensions and limitations of British foundations
B Sanghera, K Bradley
New Philanthropy and Social Justice, 175-190, 2015
Justice, power and informal settlements: Understanding the juridical view of property rights in Central Asia
B Sanghera
International Sociology 35 (1), 22-44, 2020
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