Rolf A. de By
Rolf A. de By
Associate professor of Geoinformation Processing
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Cited by
Spatiotemporal compression techniques for moving point objects
N Meratnia, RA de By
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2004: 9th International Conference on …, 2004
Principles of geographic information systems
O Huisman, RA de By
ITC Educational Textbook Series 1, 17, 2009
Delineation of agricultural fields in smallholder farms from satellite images using fully convolutional networks and combinatorial grouping
C Persello, VA Tolpekin, JR Bergado, RA De By
Remote sensing of environment 231, 111253, 2019
Integrating semantic and syntactic descriptions to chain geographic services
R Lemmens, A Wytzisk, R de By, C Granell, M Gould, P Van Oosterom
IEEE Internet Computing 10 (5), 42-52, 2006
Principles of geographic information systems
RA de By, RA Knippers, Y Sun, MC Ellis, MJ Kraak, MJC Weir, ...
ITC Educational textbook series 1, 234, 2001
Principles of geographic information systems: an introductory textbook
O Huisman, RA de By
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, 2009
Assessing yield and fertilizer response in heterogeneous smallholder fields with UAVs and satellites
AGT Schut, PCS Traore, X Blaes, RA de By
Field crops research 221, 98-107, 2018
A system of types and operators for handling vague spatial objects
A Dilo, RA De By, A Stein
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21 (4), 397-426, 2007
A cloud-based multi-temporal ensemble classifier to map smallholder farming systems
R Aguilar, R Zurita-Milla, E Izquierdo-Verdiguier, R A. de By
Remote sensing 10 (5), 729, 2018
Aggregation and comparison of trajectories
N Meratnia, RA de By
Proceedings of the 10th ACM international symposium on Advances in …, 2002
Principles of geographic information systems: an introductory textbook
RA de By, R Knippers, Y Sun, MC Ellis, MJ Kraak, MJC Weir, ...
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, 2000
A multi-set extended relational algebra: a formal approach to a practical issue
PWPJ Grefen, RA de By
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Engineering …, 1994
Poaching, habitat loss and the decline of neotropical parrots: A comparative spatial analysis
RV Clarke, RA de By
Journal of Experimental Criminology 9, 333-353, 2013
Typed sets as a basis for object-oriented database schemas
H Balsters, RA de By, R Zicari
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 161-184, 1993
From nested-loop to join queries in oodb
HJ Steenhagen, PMG Apers, HM Blanken, RA de By
20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 1994, 618-629, 1994
Utilization of internet of things and wireless sensor networks for sustainable smallholder agriculture
AZ Bayih, J Morales, Y Assabie, RA de By
Sensors 22 (9), 3273, 2022
Interannual variability of NDVI and bird species diversity in Kenya
BO Oindo, RA de By, AK Skidmore
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 2 (3-4 …, 2000
Enhancing Geo‐Service Chaining through Deep Service Descriptions
R Lemmens, R De By, M Gould, A Wytzisk, C Granell, P Van Oosterom
Transactions in GIS 11 (6), 849-871, 2007
Principles of geographic information systems
A Rolf, R de By
The International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC …, 2001
Location Privacy in the Wake of the GDPR
Y Georgiadou, RA de By, O Kounadi
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 8 (3), 157, 2019
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Articles 1–20