Bartłomiej Balcerzak
Bartłomiej Balcerzak
Polsko Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych
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Cited by
Older adults and hackathons: a qualitative study
W Kopeć, B Balcerzak, R Nielek, G Kowalik, A Wierzbicki, F Casati
Empirical Software Engineering 23 (4), 1895–1930, 2018
Computational trust models and machine learning
X Liu, A Datta, EP Lim
CRC Press, 2014
Application of TextRank algorithm for credibility assessment
B Balcerzak, W Jaworski, A Wierzbicki
2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI …, 2014
A location-based game for two generations: Teaching mobile technology to the elderly with the support of young volunteers
W Kopeć, K Abramczuk, B Balcerzak, M Juźwin, K Gniadzik, G Kowalik, ...
eHealth 360°: International Summit on eHealth, Budapest, Hungary, June 14-16 …, 2017
Press F1 for help: participatory design for dealing with on-line and real life security of older adults
B Balcerzak, W Kopeć, R Nielek, S Kruk, K Warpechowski, M Wasik, ...
2017 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2017
Threats of using gamification for motivating web page quality evaluation
M Juźwin, P Adamska, M Rafalak, B Balcerzak, M Kąkol, A Wierzbicki
Proceedings of the 2014 mulitmedia, interaction, design and innovation …, 2014
Beyond participatory design: Towards a model for teaching seniors application design
D Orzeszek, W Kopec, M Wichrowski, R Nielek, B Balcerzak, G Kowalik, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05667, 2017
Golden years, golden shores: A study of elders in online travel communities
B Balcerzak, R Nielek
2017 7th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2017
Active annotation in evaluating the credibility of Web-based medical information: Guidelines for creating training data sets for machine learning
A Nabożny, B Balcerzak, A Wierzbicki, M Morzy, M Chlabicz
JMIR medical informatics 9 (11), e26065, 2021
From close the door to do not click and back. security by design for older adults
B Balcerzak, W Kopec, R Nielek, K Warpechowski, A Czajka
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II: Selected Papers from the …, 2018
Automatic credibility assessment of popular medical articles available online
A Nabożny, B Balcerzak, A Wierzbicki
Social Informatics: 10th International Conference, SocInfo 2018, St …, 2018
Improving medical experts’ efficiency of misinformation detection: an exploratory study
A Nabożny, B Balcerzak, M Morzy, A Wierzbicki, P Savov, ...
World Wide Web 26 (2), 773-798, 2023
Application of linguistic cues in the analysis of language of hate groups
B Balcerzak, W Jaworski
Computer Science 16, 2015
Focus on misinformation: Improving medical experts’ efficiency of misinformation detection
A Nabożny, B Balcerzak, M Morzy, A Wierzbicki
International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 420-434, 2021
Digging for the truth: the case for active annotation in evaluating the credibility of online medical information
A Nabożny, B Balcerzak, A Wierzbicki, M Morzy, M Chlabicz
JMIR Preprints, November, 2020
Enriching the context: methods of improving the non-contextual assessment of sentence credibility
A Nabożny, B Balcerzak, D Koržinek
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2019: 20th International Conference …, 2019
[Journal First] Older Adults and Hackathons: A Qualitative Study
W Kopec, B Balcerzak, R Nielek, G Kowalik, A Wierzbicki, F Casati
2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2018
Of Hags and bitches. Ageist attitudes in 2016 presidential debate on twitter
B Bartlomiej, N Radoslaw
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.03616, 2016
Of Hags and bitches. Ageist attitudes in 2016 presidential debate on twitter
B Balcerzak, R Nielek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.03616, 2016
Efficient prediction of spatio-temporal events on the example of the availability of vehicles rented per minute
B Balcerzak, R Nielek, JP Nowacki
International Conference on Computational Science, 83-89, 2021
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Articles 1–20